'Future Medicine will be the Medicine of Frequencies' - Albert Einstein
The future is now. The leading authority in advanced frequency technology, Masati helps you access the future medicine of frequencies and activate limitless possibilities with the highest purity and potency.
A former computer programmer, Masati gained unprecedented knowledge and abilities with massive implications on human transformation and how life works after multiple near-death experiences. Along with a deeper understanding of the underlying physics of our universe which delves beyond the quantum.
"Change Your frequency, Change Your Life" - Masati works in the realm of consciousness, frequencies and spacetime. Thousands have transformed simply by listening to his talks and frequency meditations, without needing a mental understanding of what is being said.
Masati helps you upgrade your core frequencies, initiating a powerful transformation process that propels you to the next level of human excellence.
Step 1: Eliminating Human Distortions
Addressing the deepest core issues at the highest frequency level
Step 2: Activating Human Potential
Transforming the limited to limitless and making the impossible possible
Masati has helped tens of thousands around the world and has worked with business leaders, influencers, professional athletes, celebrities, royal families, and Fortune 500 executives from companies such as Capital Records, Starbucks, Facebook, Fox, Microsoft, FedEx, and many more. He also donates his time to assist schools, hospitals, special needs organizations, low-income communities and others to help propel this global mission.
"We see a universe marvelously arranged, obeying certain laws, but we understand the laws only dimly."
~ Albert Einstein
Featured Programs
Healing Mastery
November 2nd, 2024 - April 5th, 2025
Healing Mastery creates a potent frequency immersion that helps you access and integrate privileged knowledge. It’s not designed to teach you how to DO the healing, but how to BE the healing through elevating your frequency resonance and conscious awareness to the level of mastery.
New to Masati
Through multiple near-death experiences, Masati has the ability to tap into things beyond this world. Being in his presence has transformed people’s lives and he has coined his collective knowledge and abilities Xponential Intelligence (XI).
Masati offers XI meditations, sessions, programs. podcast, etc. to guide and help people unlock highly advanced human abilities and reclaim the power lost through generations of sacrifice.
Every science was a miracle in the beginning.
XI Human: Upgrade
XI Human: Upgrade is a cutting-edge, 18 day program using a frequency-infused meditative process to help activate the powerful process of profound life transformation, simply by listening.
XI Human: Upgrade can be intense for some. To become your highest version of yourself, all aspects of you will be challenged - weakness, limiting beliefs, secrets buried deep within, including family genetics. Anything that can hinder your journey for life mastery will be exposed. Exposed for you to release, not to destroy.
This is not philosophy. This is physics - Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way….
Science & Research
Emoto Institute Study with Masati
In 2022, Emoto Institute conducted a water crystal study with Masati. Masati worked remotely for 15 minutes on the control water samples located in Japan from his home town Minneapolis, USA. The before/after results are shown below.
Left: Water crystals from control (untreated) water sample
Right: Water samples exposed remotely to XI frequencies for 15 minutes
Left: Water crystals from control (untreated) water sample
Right: Water samples exposed remotely to XI frequencies for 15 minutes
The Institute found that a water sample which Masati worked on remotely for 15 minutes produced crystals that are more beautiful and aesthetically pleasing compared to an untreated sample. Given that the average adult human body is approximately 70% water, this points to the extraordinary potential for frequency work of this magnitude to restore and restructure the mind and body.
“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”
~ Nikola Tesla
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UNDERSTANDING DETOX It is possible that you may experience symptoms as things come up for clearing in the detoxification and purification process. Detox is the process of releasing the distortions that have kept you oppressed. Detox is to be celebrated as a marker on your path to living a life more aligned with Truth… MORE