Making the Impossible Possible
A former computer programmer, Masati gained unprecedented knowledge and abilities with massive implications on human transformation and how life works after multiple near-death experiences. Along with a deeper understanding of the underlying physics of our universe which delves beyond the quantum.
Masati refers to this knowledge and abilities as Xponential Intelligence (XI) and shares with the world the information needed to propel humanity to the next stage of its evolution.
Masati has helped tens of thousands around the world and has worked with business leaders, influencers, professional athletes, celebrities, royal families, and Fortune 500 executives from companies such as Capital Records, Starbucks, Facebook, Fox, Microsoft, FedEx, and many more. He also donates his time to assist schools, hospitals, special needs organizations, low-income communities and others to help propel this global mission.
"We see a universe marvelously arranged, obeying certain laws, but we understand the laws only dimly."
~ Albert Einstein
Addressing the Deepest Core Issues at the Highest Frequency Level
According to popular teachings of transformation experts -
change your story, change your life;
change your thoughts, change your life;
change your attitude, change your life;
change your belief, change your life;
change your energy, change your life;
Masati/XI says - Change your frequency, change your life.
When you change your frequency, you automatically change your energy, belief, attitude, thoughts and story…therefore, changing your frequency is the most powerful way to transform your life.
"Change Your Frequency, Change Your Life" - Masati works in the realm of consciousness, frequencies and spacetime. Thousands have transformed simply by listening to his talks and frequency meditations, without needing a mental understanding of what is being said.
"As your frequencies shift, so must your life" - As science confirms our vibrational universe, Masati provides a new understanding of our world and helps people create success, abundance, health, relationships and fulfillment from the inside out. Through accessing higher consciousness, Masati helps people reach their full potential and achieve meaningful success that isn't built on striving, seeking or sacrifice.
"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."
~ Nikola Tesla
Transforming the Limited to Limitless
After multiple near death experience, Masati came into a body of advanced knowledge that presents a culmination of all timeless wisdom of this world and beyond - comprising the purest essence from sacred texts, spiritual scriptures, ancient knowledge and modern teachings grounded in quantum physics and science. Masati coined this body of knowledge 'Xponential Intelligence (XI)' and it declares the truth pertaining to our past, present and future with direct answers to our eternal questions such as the nature of reality and existence, the meaning of life and death, the concept of time and space, the cycles of creation and destruction, and the secrets to success and happiness.
Acquiring Xponential Intelligence aligned Masati with the universal objective truth. As a result, it helped him activate highly advanced human abilities that exist within us all. Since then Masati has been helping people unlock their own power with Xponential Intelligence. Tens of thousands of individuals have experienced significant and drastic life changes with rapid and tangible results.
Masati believes that acquiring XI can activate full human potential and change the world. He created XI podcast, weekly Youtube livestream Mas on Sunday and other educational programs to make this powerful knowledge widely accessible to benefit anyone seeking truth and self actualization.
XI initiates a powerful transformation process that takes you from A to B:
A: Eliminating Human Distortions
B: Unlocking Human Potential
EMOTO Institute Study with Masati
In 2022, the Emoto Institute conducted a water crystal study with Masati. He worked remotely for 15 minutes on the control water samples located in Japan from his home town Minneapolis, MN USA. The before/after results are shown below. In each pair of photographs, the control water sample is shown on the left and the water samples exposed to Masati’s remote frequency work appear on the right.
Left: Water crystal before Masati’s frequency work (control sample)
Right: Water crystal after 15 minutes of Masati’s remote frequency work
Left: Water crystal before Masati’s frequency work (control sample)
Right: Water crystal after 15 minutes of Masati’s remote frequency work
The potential for frequency work of this magnitude to restore and restructure the mind and body are extraordinary. (The human body is comprised of up to 60% water…the human brain, kidneys, heart and lungs are approximately 80% and even bones are 25% water, according to Medical News Today).
What Others Have Experienced
"I only spent 5 minutes with you and my spine straightened after 30 years of scoliosis. My family is in shock, my yogi is amazed and I keep checking to see if it's true. It's true. Bless you." ~Tom Hughes, Burlington VT*
"It has been a year now ... I have gone from not having money for gas, to six months later earning almost $400,000." ~Florence*
"I was in a fetal position due to extreme pain from a migraine. Within 15 minutes into the morning meditation with Masati Sajady, my migraine was gone. This has never happened before. The migraine never returned. Thanks Masati!" ~Marsha*
"I suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome that has meant I have had to give up work, studying and being able to live independently. [Since meeting Masati] I feel like a spell had been lifted, and I'm able to do things that were unthinkable just a few weeks ago!" ~Stephanie*
Beginning Your Journey with Masati
There is no real right or wrong way to begin working with Masati. That said, the following information may help you find the path that is most efficient for you.
1 | Understand How Masati Works
Frequency Meditation - A frequency meditation combines the benefits of mindfulness meditation with frequencies of higher consciousness. Relax by sitting, standing or lying down, as Masati works on your frequency blueprint to raise your vibration and awaken your own power for self-healing and life transformation. (Previously referred to as Medihealing.)
The Mastermind - A Mastermind forms when two or more people join a Frequency Meditation. This results in a collective group strength and is composed of the purest version of its members. The Mastermind provides the benefit of stronger momentum and allows individuals to leverage their collective strength to shift further & faster.
2 | Learn the Basics
Concepts, Teachings, and Terminology - The fastest way to gain a broad understanding of how Masati works, his teachings, and some terminology he uses would be to listen to the Free Xponential Intelligence Podcast. The following episodes are recommended as an introduction to Masati basics. Beyond these, we simply encourage you listen to those you feel drawn:
Xponential Intelligence Basics:
• Episode #1: XI Begins
• Episode #2: Near Death And The Limitless Self Part 1
• Episode #3: Near Death And The Limitless Self Part 2
• Episode #4: A Handbook of Life
• Episode #5: Xponential Intelligence Basics
• Episode #6: Detox & The Transformation Process
( Xponential Intelligence (XI) Podcast )
3 | Recommended for All
Commit to Growth & Change - Human Upgrade is a cutting-edge, life-altering, frequency-infused program that is designed to help you drastically transform your life simply by listening.
This work bypasses all currently known methods of human transformation and works at the sub-quantum level to help shift your entire state of being, resulting in both physical/external as well as internal changes.
The 18 day XI Human: Upgrade program is a journey towards embodying your fullest human potential, offering a path to lasting change at the deepest level.
( XI Human: Upgrade, an 18 day Frequency Meditation program )
*** AM/PM Frequency Meditations are an excellent way to experience Frequency Meditation before joining XI Human: Upgrade. ***
4 | Narrow It Down
Topic Specific Meditations - Masati has created many topic specific Meditations for more focused support. If you have specific issues you would like to rapidly address, we encourage you to browse the Meditation library. Topic categories Include:
Physical, Mental, & Emotional Health • Relationships • Love • Business • Success • Intuition • and More
Replay MP3s - Mas works at the quantum level without the restrictions of linear time and space. As a result, when you listen to replays you are pulled into the healing frequencies from the live session, making the replay equally as effective as the live event.
( Topic Specific Meditation Library )
5 | Frequency Sessions
Advanced Frequency Technology Transforming the Limited to Limitless
Frequency Sessions: Addressing the deepest core issues at the highest frequency level. Unlike psychology, motivation, willpower, etc., frequency sessions are not a ‘mental’ process or ‘time-based’ method - Masati helps you change your frequency to change your life. Much like changing the radio station, when the frequency is changed, everything changes instantaneously.
Transformation usually unfolds in two steps with frequency technology:
Step 1: Self-Healing - Eliminating Human Distortions
Releasing lineage frequency distortions in the DNA programming
Step 2: Inner-Expansion - Unlocking Human Potential
Transforming the limited to limitless and making the impossible possible
Booking: All available sessions are now listed on the website event calendar.
( Learn More About Masati )
WARNING: The Xponential Intelligence transformational process is highly effective and very intense. You may find it severely challenging as old patterns shift. Working with Masati requires absolute ownership and personal accountability. If you are mentally unstable, weak, tend to blame others, and/or are unwilling/unable to take personal responsibility please do NOT proceed.
Additional Information
What kind of appointments does Masati offer?
How does Masati work and how is he different from other "healers"?
What is a Frequency Meditation? What am I supposed to do during it?
How long will it take for me to experience results or see changes in my life?
Is it ok if I fall asleep during a meditation?
Masati can work on someone else through you
Are replays as effective as the live calls?
Masati's Mantra: How do I connect to Pure Source even stronger
What kind of appointments does Masati offer?
Group Sessions - In these small group sessions, each individual receives time to speak openly with Masati. The effects of the work are amplified by the power of the group and participants receive the benefits of the frequency work done on all group members.
Mas is able to continually direct individual, personalized frequencies to each person so in essence it is like a one-on-one session with Mas for the entirety of the session.
This is the preferred option for those who wish to benefit from the collective shifts that comes from hearing others share their experiences/issues, as there is often a reason why groups form and often similar themes.
Private Sessions - Private sessions consist of a private, one-on-one call exclusively with Mas with additional time to discuss your individual state and circumstance. In these laser-precision, highly personalized, in-depth sessions, you and Mas will do the intensive frequency work necessary to help you elevate your resonance, overcome crisis, align you more precisely in spacetime, fortify the inner strength necessary to maintain the heightened state and connect you to your higher self as the source of infinite wisdom and power. (details…)
Business Sessions - Masati offers several business programs for both corporations and individuals. (details...)
How does Masati work and how is he different from other "healers"?
Masati works on the core frequency level to help redesign and reprogram your blueprint, materializing fast and tangible results. Masati does not have the power to heal; rather he acts as the “conduit” for pure energy to manifest healing from a higher energy field. These fundamental shifts can impact anyone's physical, emotional, financial and spiritual wellbeing, guiding us into our natural state of Spherical Abundance.
What is a Frequency Meditation? What am I supposed to do during it?
Frequency Meditation means "Meditation and Healing". There is nothing you need do during a Frequency Meditation. Masati suggests that we bring our attention to the present moment, the only moment of true power and unlimited potential. However there is no “wrong” way to participate and many achieve fantastic results playing the Frequency Meditations on low volume on a loop in the background.
Should I feel anything?
The way in which Masati's clients experience healing and clearing varies dramatically. Some people "feel" him working on them during the healings while others do not feel anything at all. You do not need to worry if you do not feel are still receiving the full benefits of the work.
Detox - What is it?
Many people experience some effects of detox after working with Masati - either through a personal session, an online program, attending events or listening to a replay. These detox symptoms could be emotional (e.g. revisiting past patterns that are coming up now for healing or perhaps feeling grief if relationships start to change or fall away), physical (e.g. extreme fatigue, a bout of flu, a bad cold etc.), or financial (bankruptcy, temporary setbacks as a blessing in disguise, etc.). As you connect more strongly to Pure Source it is possible to experience symptoms as things come up for clearing. About 40-50% of people experience these symptoms and many move forward with no symptoms at all. If you have the belief of 'No Pain, No Gain' or 'Things have to get worse before they get better' or if you hold on to the past dearly and have a hard time letting might be one of these people who must detox before accepting improvements. Each person's experience is unique. Just know that whatever you are experiencing is correct for you. Masati is not a doctor and so any physical issues that you consider troublesome do need to be taken up with your doctor, if you consider it appropriate. Masati advises rest, for you to reduce stressful people and situations whenever possible and to be kind to yourself during this adjustment process. Other helpful advice is to drink lots of water, eat healthy food and allow yourself an abundance of quiet time and sleep.
Please review our in-depth Detox Support Page for more information.
How long will it take for me to experience results or see changes in my life?
Some people see immediate results without much detox while others take months or even a couple of years to see significant change and may go through tremendous detox in their life to get to these changes. Your experience will depend on many factors including how many layers need to be removed, what rule sets you have formed for yourself at a spirit-level, if any contracts or family lineages need to be released, etc. There is so much that affects your healing experience. Please know, however, that whatever it is that you are experiencing is right for you. You are on your way. Your spirit has brought you to Masati for a reason. Trust that you are moving in the right direction and as Masati says, "notice what you notice".
Is it OK if I fall asleep during a meditation?
Yes. Many people fall into a restful sleep while listening to the meditations. Should this occur, your spirit is still benefiting from the powerful connection to Pure Source even if you are not awake.
Can Masati work on someone else through you?
Loved ones do not need to be present in order to benefit from Masati’s work. You may “bring in” someone during any of Masati’s events by simply thinking of them and then letting the thought go. Because he works in spirit space in which there is no time, they can benefit from the healing frequencies as if they were there as long as their spirit is open to receiving it. Neither you nor Masati need to ask for their permission, as the permission is granted at the spirit level beyond their conscious understanding.
Are replays as effective as live calls?
Yes! Masati works in spirit space without the restrictions of linear time and space. As such when you listen to replays your spirit is pulled back to the healing frequencies from the live session. Masati recommends downloading and playing them on a loop for best results.
Masati's Mantra: How do I connect to Pure Source even stronger
Masati often reminds us that connecting to Pure Source is the only real goal of importance, making this the most powerful mantra there is. It is not meant for your conscious mind, but a question for your spirit which always knows what to do as we are guided through life.
*There are no specific generally expected results. There is no guarantee; you may not achieve any specific results. Masati helps you reprogram your core frequencies to help you transform your life. Masati is not a doctor; he does not have the power to heal, nor does he provide medical, psychological, or any other type of professional advice or treat any disease or medical condition. On rare occasion, select participants may have been granted a free meditation in exchange for use of their testimonial.