Worldwide Meditation Series Bundles
After his second near death experience, Mas was frequently woken up at 3AM and guided into deep meditations, during which he was downloaded with tremendous universal truth and wisdom. Mas often revisits this auspicious hour to access these deep states.
During these tumultuous times, we are excited to offer two bundles highlighting these potent Medihealings as a reminder and resource to reconnect with the purity and stillness that lies within us all.
3AM meditation references in Eastern cultures: “In the Indian scriptures it is said the absolutely best time to meditate is between 3am and 4am. This is known as the Brahma Muhurta or hour of God. It is beneficial to be able to meditate early in the morning as the peace we feel will remain with us for the rest of the day. Also, at this early hour of the day the world is still…all the thoughts and impressions and feelings are not transmitting from everyone’s conscious minds yet. There is a doorway that opens during this time of the morning between the worlds. It is very easy to remember things. To see things and know things, to remember who you are, to see where you are, what is taking place and to know what it is you have to do…. If it is possible to meditate facing the rising sun this will also be very beneficial as we will derive energy from the sun.”