Congratulations on graduating from the first-ever Breaking The Matrix program!

The questions in this workbook are intended as a self-reflection tool to help you:

  • look back and compare the old version of yourself before BTM with the new version you are today, a year later

  • look forward and visualize even better versions of yourself as you continue your journey of limitless expansion


  • The more honest you are when answering, the more you will benefit, even – & especially – when the answers are uncomfortable or unflattering.

  • Use the first answer that comes into your mind, it will be untainted by ego.

  • If you identify any issues, use one of your most powerful tools: ASK your Higher Self – “What do I still need to let go of ? ”, “How can I turn this around for my benefit?”

  • Observe yourself (your thoughts, emotions &/or bodily reactions) as you work on this material. Use it as a great opportunity to learn even more about yourself. Use spatial referencing or other centering tools if you start to destabilize.

  • Congratulate yourself on your perseverance & your successes! This work is not for the meek & you have just completed top-level boot camp! The contribution you have made to humanity’s advancement is greater than you may realize.

I. XI Principles in Action: Gauging Your Evolution

XI allows you to compress time and space to achieve end-goal transformations, and through the BTM program this can happen especially fast and efficiently.

You can gauge your evolution by how you react to the world around and within yourself. Consider these 4 areas for introspective self-analysis:

  • Fear & Abundance

  • Integrity & Consciousness

  • Beauty & Creativity

  • Money & Self-Worth


On a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the highest level, rate the different fears below, before and after your year at BTM.

Private/Personal Fears

Health Fear (aging, illness, death, etc)

Before BTM: 1-10

After BTM: 1-10

Intellectual Fear‌ (not smart enough, etc)

Before BTM: 1-10

After BTM: 1-10

Financial Fear (not enough money, hate money, hate the rich, hate the poor, etc. )

Before BTM: 1-10

After BTM: 1-10

Public/Societal Fears

Professional Fear (fear of failure or success, imposter syndrome, etc.)

Before BTM: 1-10

After BTM: 1-10

Fear of Loss (friends, family, loved ones, loneliness, etc.)

Before BTM: 1-10

After BTM: 1-10

Social Fear (social rejection, outsider/misfit, etc.)

Before BTM: 1-10

After BTM: 1-10

The Biggest Fear

Spiritual Fear (Am I worthy in God's eyes? Do I matter at all? Have I been good? etc.)

Before BTM: 1-10

After BTM: 1-10


When Integrity Consciousness becomes the default setting, humanity will blossom into a higher level of consciousness. This is actually our natural state.

Full integrity occurs when all are in alignment:
Intentions, Emotions (heart), Logic (mind), Thoughts, Words & Actions

A. Reflect on how aligned your intentions are with your emotions, thoughts, words and actions in different contexts. For example, when:

i. interacting with someone who triggers you (irritates, angers you etc)

ii. interacting with someone who has something you wish you had

iii. interacting with someone who wants something you have

iv. interacting with a boss or superior (frequency-wise, money-wise, authority-wise, etc)

v.  interacting with someone in a lower power rung than yours

vi. taking care of your personal needs and wants

B. Are you a different person when interacting with different people? How different are you when you’re with your parents versus when you’re with your work colleagues or clients? Do others sway your emotions, thoughts, actions and intentions? Reflect on other relationships and whether you are in integrity.


We all want beauty – of place, people, friends, objects, travel, art, etc. Beauty is a spiritual experience.  Creativity and inspiration come when there is abundance (instead of fear, lack, etc). Beauty and creativity are a window into the domain of the infinite, allowing us to break out of the finite and limited physical construct.

Reflect on how BTM has affected your: 

  1. Sensitivity to beauty 

  2. Level of creativity


“To those who have, even more will be given. From those who have nothing, even that will be taken away.” – Matthew 13:12

In BTM, lower frequencies will be forced to abide by the higher spiritual laws demanded of this level. Money is energy and at this level, to have money is to be able to handle a LOT of energy.

A. Ask yourself:

  • Are you Spending your energy in fear, poverty, lack, etc.?


  • Are you aligning your energy with abundance?

B. Reflect on the level of:

  • Your feelings of deserving

  • The frequency of your self-worth

    before and after your year at BTM

C. During the first BTM meditation, the Singularity Meditation, Mas said:

“Breaking the Matrix isn't about living a fantastic life, that's just 1% of your experience & that should be the standard paradigm. This is the purpose of Breaking The Matrix: really showing people, showing examples to the world, that living a fantastic life should be just available for everybody: it's kind of like breathing air, it can be taken for granted.”

  • How close are you now to this goal? If not close, how do you feel about it? Are you blaming yourself or anyone else?

  • How close were you when you started BTM?

  • How do you see yourself in relation to this goal 3, 6 & 12 months from now?

II. Stages & Stations Along Your BTM Journey

This section is intended to help you chart your transformation process during your time at BTM.

Imagine the BTM year as a timeline. Think back to times when you experienced:

  • Frustration: specially hard blocks or resistances

  • Feeling stuck: in excuses, insecurities, not wanting to let go

  • Blaming: others or yourself

  • Detox: specially intense purging & what was leaving you then

  • Turning Points: when you knew you had turned a corner for good

  • Integration Periods: times you needed to isolate, sleep a lot, not sleep much, meditate more

  • Abilities: when a new or enhanced ability came in for you

Now examine the current version of yourself:

  • What have been your greatest improvements?

  • How do you handle negative emotions today? 

  • How have the important areas of your life changed: relationships, self-love, eating, health, fun, freedom, luck, self-authority, finances, work, spirituality? 

  • How have you redefined important concepts such as love, kindness, service to others, success, being good & being bad, money, self-care, etc.?

  • What new habits and tools are you using regularly: spatial referencing, visualizations, your own tools, other?

III. Final Reflection: BTM Goals

When BTM first started, Mas explained the reason why the program was created & why you were a part of it: 

1. To help create the infrastructure or platform for the new consciousness

2. To take a leadership role in human consciousness

Considering those goals:

  • Do you see yourself as a leader for others? How does your leadership manifest?

  • In what ways are you embodying the new consciousness? How are you influencing others around you? How has your environment changed as a result of your higher consciousness?

  • In what ways do you feel you have contributed to creating the framework of a new consciousness for humanity? Can you own your contribution?

  • How do you see yourself a year from now? In two years? In five years? Provide as much detail as possible (external & internal)


We wish you the very best as you continue on your journey of limitless growth & elevation. Remember that the BTM Mastermind is always with you!