The Physics of Advanced Consciousness
Crystal Event, September 2021
Waves of advanced frequencies of higher consciousness came through during the two Crystal events in 2020 where Mas as well as participants experienced expansive shifts throughout the event and thereafter. Mas has since received frequent upgrades that significantly helped strengthen his abilities and deepen his understanding of the construct of time, space, and human design through consciousness and DNA.
The Physics of Advanced Consciousness
Mas Sajady invites you to a potent 'blueprint upgrade' by helping you master the immutable laws of physics of advanced consciousness. Mas will help instill elevated frequencies in human's physio-biological construct, putting the collective awareness in touch with universal consciousness to access limitless possibilities.
Consciousness & DNA - While western science has focused on the 5% of the encoding triplets of DNA, a group of Russian scientists have been carrying out cutting-edge research to study the complete human genome and in doing so, discovered the esoteric nature of DNA and its functioning as a quantum coherent system or whole, by means of quantum entanglement.
Their research has shown that genetic coding can be reprogrammed using the correct resonant frequencies of DNA. It was shown that DNA can simply be reprogrammed by light and sound, modulated on the correct carrier frequencies. It has since been proven that our consciousness programs our DNA. Therefore, elevating our consciousness can upgrade our DNA.
What is DNA (2-Strand) - Scientifically acknowledged as the molecular code for life on earth. It contains the genetic coding an organism needs to develop, live and reproduce inside every cell and is passed down from parents to children.
What is Crystalline DNA (12-Strand) - According to ancient spiritualists and shamans as well as modern sages of scientific wisdom, our biologically traditional carbon-based, 2-strand DNA is shifting to crystal-based 12-strand DNA. Crystalline DNA contains encoded messages that need to be triggered to help us attain unprecedented states of higher consciousness.
Advanced Technologies & Crystalline Upgrade - Mas has received multiple upgrades recently and has been shown advanced technology to upgrade DNA with enhanced genetic coding such as aligning the cells of the body with youthfulness leading to vibrant health and vitality, defying the aging process, etc., and achieving new biological and conscious expansions.
Downloaded with new information and advanced technologies, Mas has created this event to share these gifts and help accelerate the collective consciousness by activating encoded messages contained in our DNA that enable access to the high vibratory potential to limitless possibilities.
Background on Crystal Skulls
11,000 years ago, a master Crystal Skull was created with the highest frequencies of intelligence and consciousness of this realm and beyond. Later, 13 duplicates of the original master skull were created and imbued with the same frequencies of the original skull. These 13 crystal skulls were placed around the world with the intent of weaving a tapestry of advanced frequencies to aid and guide the acceleration of human consciousness.
You are invited to join Mas Sajady as he presents the world-famous Mitchell-Hedges Crystal Skull, said to be one of the 13 original ancient crystal skulls in existence and carrying a frequency signature identical to that of the original Master Skull.
The Mitchell-Hedges skull holds concepts of perfection and the potential of the perfect human. Its message is about the brilliance of humanity and it beckons us to awaken to that message and to what all who have been watching humanity have known and gathered to honor and witness.
The Physics of Advanced Consciousness
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