This event is not your typical feel-good spiritual gathering. On the contrary, it may bring discomfort and disillusionment to many as it confronts our distorted spirituality with a non-BS loving honesty. It is for people who are serious about knowing the truth and are ready to advance their spiritual development with maturity, clarity and exponential intelligence.
The talks will address many rarely-spoken and sensitive subjects that are also often misunderstood. There will be many ah-ha moments and revelations as Mas speaks the truth that resonates with your heart and spirit. In addition to the lecture, there will be many medihealings throughout the evening to instill the knowledge at your frequency level for deep comprehension and integration.
EI Part One: Spiritual Discernment
Recognizing Good/Evil in Spiritual Teachers and Teachings
Conditioning of a Cult & Disconnecting from a Cult
Dangerous Devotion vs. Healthy Dedication
EI Part Two: Spiritual Attachment
The Truth about Spiritual Attraction
The Trouble with Love, Lust and Spirituality
Spirituality & Romance/Sexuality
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