3AM Eiffel Tower, Paris France
This special 3AM in Paris was an energy upgrade during a long break between the April 21-Day and the May 21-Day. Mas was impressed with the energy in Paris when he arrived in May. Here is his personal message:
"I'm in the beautiful city of Paris, France and I'm told that my abilities feel more potent than ever. Maybe it's the food or maybe it's the people. Could it be that deep underlying frequency that envelopes the city and the people within? The frequency of being the best that you can be. Not at any cost, not by trampling over its citizens and their rights, nor by destroying other nations and resources. But by being the best as an honor of protecting its citizens and human rights - not just of its own, but as an example for the world. Of course, there are always areas that can be improved upon. This doesn't negate the fact that this underlying frequency still exists. Maybe that's why I'm here in France. To help shine the light of this frequency even brighter, just like its city lights. " ~Mas
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