Wednesday | November 26 | 11am CT
Be ready for for this Thanksgiving feast!
The average weight gain for the holiday season is 10 pounds. Thanksgiving is the beginning of the over eating season.
Over eating is a symptom of more than just yummy food being at an arms reach away. It is a frequency. Many people use eating as a way to cope with stressful situations and exhaustion. And let's face it... spending time with relatives, family and loved ones can be stressful and exhausting. Join Mas for this perfectly timed Group Healing before your big feast. Change the frequency of over eating into one of finding pleasure in consuming just the right amount comfort food during this holiday season.
Included in the November 21 Day Medi-Heal Package
No need to register if you are a participant of the November 21-Day
Or you may purchase individually ($20) Click to Register