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Group Healing | JudgeMENTAL - Part I Free to be Me | Online

Just remember that sometimes, the way you think of or what you say about a person, isn't the way they actually are.  ~ John Green

Are you someone - everyone else wants you to be?  
Have you judged someone - without even hearing them speak or by the opinion of another?

Do you:
feel the need to change others
feel the need to be different than you are

Would you like to:
see the total beauty of another person
feel that they can see the beauty in you

There is a feeling of inner peace that comes from total relinquishment of judgement.  Whether that judgement is from others or from yourself - about others or about yourself - shared out loud or kept inside for only us to know... it keeps us all from the truth about ourselves and others.  

Judgement is a filter we use.  Some judgement is passed down through society, family, church, school, friends and others we learned from our own experiences. All judgement keeps us from our own curiosity, from moving forward and from interacting with every possibility of our reality. The more judgement the less we really know & experience.

A sad truth - we do not even realize we are doing it.  It is so programmed... so natural... that we miss the opportunity to be who we really are and learn about those around us.  It robs us of a total life experience.

Imagine how your life will change ~ if you replace judgement with curiosity?  Join Mas for this two part series to be Free to be You & changing your frequency to Living Without Limitation (of judgement).

Included in the December 21 Day Medi-Heal Package
No need to register if you are a participant of the December 21-Day

Or you may purchase individually ($20)  or together ($40)

Part I & II - judgeMENTAL ($40)  Sign up here
TODAY | Part I - Free to Be Me ($20) Sign up here
Part II - Living Without Limitation ($20)  Sign up here

Earlier Event: December 7
Mas in Milwaukee | In-Person Sessions