You fear and know that you are a breath away from someone discovering the truth.The fear of being exposed is woven deeply within you.
You create a mask, use material goods, tell stories and whatever else it takes to cover that which you do not want another to see. You are moving, hiding, burring that which you fear will be exposed. It could be you are hiding who you really are from the world, something you are hiding from a loved one or something you are hiding from your work... either way... The possibility of being found out is always lurking just outside of your present reality. Casting a shadow over any possibility of ever really being comfortable, relaxing or being completely happy.
Sometimes you begin to relax thinking the secret has passed only to be shaken to the core when something happens to remind you of your secret. The fear that the truth may someday come out is hurting you.
What do you most fear another finding out?
Mas will work with you during this Group Healing to change your frequency from fear of being exposed to one of being present where there are no stories and no barriers. It just is... and it is really really beautiful.
Included in the February 21 Day Medi-Heal Package
No need to register if you are a participant of the February 21-Day
Or you may purchase individually ($20) Click Here to Register