Monday | May 18 | 8pm CT | Free
The Masters
Millions of people look to the great Masters of this world for inspiration, wisdom, and for spiritual teaching. Mas has the honor of calling these individuals his spiritual guides.
Why did these Masters come to this world when they did? Why were they chosen to help awaken us? Are they of the same frequency? Could they be the same spirit through different lifetimes? What do they think of the way we are living today? Of the religions that have formed around their names? Will others come? Is Mas one of them?
Is there One Truth that all the masters teach? What does it take to be a master…and how does one know that they have ‘arrived’? Can we call upon the masters for guidance…and will they really come to our rescue? How can I have these masters as my spiritual guides too like Mas?
Join Francesca in asking Mas about the great Masters who have served to help guide us to a higher spiritual awareness.
Free with Registration: Click here
Free Gift: All registrants will be invited to the join the May 18th evening Medi-Healing (a part of the May 21-Day program). Access info is included in the confirmation email of this Tele-Forum.
Included in the May 21 Day Medi-Heal Package
No need to register if you are a participant of the May 21-Day