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Mas in Berkeley, CA | In-Person

Mas in Berkeley, CA | In-Person

Monday | July 20, 2015 | 7:30 - 9:30 PT

Venue location:
East Bay Intl. Assn. For Near-Death Studies
Rudramandir, 830 Bancroft Way, Berkeley, CA.  

As seating permits, people can contribute their $15 donation at the door on the night of the event. To guarantee a spot, it’s recommended you do a pre-paid registration, done as follows:

  • East Bay IANDS is asking for a prepaid donation of $15. Checks should be written payable to David Bourdon, and you should include your phone number and email address. You will be contacted and given confirmation that you're on the list.
  • Checks and personal contact info should be sent to Nancy Bolduan, 724 Pomona Ave, Albany, CA. 94706.  Nancy can be contacted at
  • If you're registering more than one person, you must name that person and provide contact info. 


For more information contact David Bourdon