Wednesday | May 27 | 8pm CT | Free
Gender in Spirituality & Religion
From one religious text to the next, the great masters are almost always presented in male form. While women have played critical roles in history, the female gender has also been placed in less prominent roles. Yet, today as our world goes through a spiritual transformation, it seems that more women are seeking this spiritual awakening.
Why have the great masters been men?
Are women evolving spiritually and awakening more rapidly than men currently?
How does our gender influence our spiritual progression?
Join Mas and Francesca as they explore the past, present, and future roles of men and women in spirituality, in our world.
Free with Registration: Click here
Free Gift: All registrants will be invited to the join the May 27th evening Medi-Healing (a part of the May 21-Day program). Access info is included in the confirmation email of this Tele-Forum.
Included in the May 21 Day Medi-Heal Package
No need to register if you are a participant of the May 21-Day