Group Healing | Operating from a Place of Security
Wednesday | July 29 | 11:30 AM CT
Does your past have you reacting strongly in uncomfortable situations? Do you operate from a space of trauma or fear? It’s time to step away from this space of uncertainty and anguish and stand strong in a space of safety and security. In this group healing, Mas will work to delete past frequencies that keep you feeling timid, unsure or wounded, allowing the frequencies of strength and protection to wrap around you. As you connect to the peace and strength of Pure Source, you will hold the knowledge that you will always be protected and safe, allowing you to be your true self and take advantage of all that life has to offer.
Included in the July 21 Day Medi-Heal Package
No need to register if you are a participant of the current 21-Day Program
Or you may purchase individually ($20) Click Here to Register