Group Healing | Dissolving Worry
Wednesday, August 10th at 11 AM CT
Do you wake up each day and find that your mind is flooded with a long list of worries? Do you worry for your safety, about your finances, about what might be, what might not be? Do you worry about the darkness in the world, about the political environment? Do you incessantly worry about your children, the future, the past?
Worry can be pervasive. It can penetrate every aspect of your life, freezing you in a constant state of consternation and distress. Perhaps you’ve tried to worry less, to let things be but haven’t been able to shake the thick hold of these strong frequencies. Join Mas in this Group Healing where he will help to remove frequencies of worry, opening you up to a state of soothing neutrality so you can:
- Release the suffocating hold of worry
- Live more in the moment, in the power of now
- Enjoy a sense of relaxation as worry is dissolved from your spiritual makeup
- Begin to see the endless possibilities life has to offer
- Expand into a lighter, cleaner sense of being free from anxious, unproductive thoughts
Everything will start to appear differently as worry washes away from your thoughts. Get ready for the liberating feeling that will ensue as you allow life and your spirit to guide you into your higher being and abundant existence!
Included in the August 21-Day Medihealing, Package B - The Sublime. For more information on the 21-Day Medihealing Program, CLICK HERE
Or you may purchase individually
$30 |($20 Early Bird through 8/8) - Click to Register