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MAS LIVE | Pure Source Frequency Healing | The Liphe Balance Center, CT

(NEW) Pure Source Frequency Healing
January 28, 1-2:30pm

Please join Mas for an energetically highly-charged group healing with Pure Source Frequency. Mas will hold the space and immerse you in the Grace of Pure Source, all the while weaving the frequency of Exponential Intelligence into your blueprint that will help healing occur at the core level.

Registration: In-Person Only | $80 | Click to Register

Industrial-Strength Group Healings | 3-5pm
For event participants only.
Cost: $150 cash or credit card, per person per session
Note:  A 5% processing fee will be added to credit card payments.
Please sign up at the event.

Industrial-Strength Group Healings (IGH) are small group healings that harness the power of the group energy and intent, while providing an opportunity to speak to Mas one on one during the session. Mas is able to duplicate himself energetically to work on each person in the group for the entire session. The healing and transformative energies are more powerful in groups as they are super-charged by the Mastermind effect.

Location: The Liphe Balance Center
36 Michaels Way
Weston, CT 06883