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Group Healing - Sensing the Other Side | Online


Sensing the Other Side
October 11th | 9am PT / 11am CT/ 12pm ET

Similar to life, death is a deep, complex, and multi-faceted level of existence. For many people who can sense the other side, those who have passed are a part of everyday reality. Constantly bombarded with thoughts, feelings and situations that don’t belong to them, an unbalanced sense of the other side can inhibit our ability to fully embrace the breadth of our own life experience. In this group healing, join Mas as he helps to:

  • discern which aspects of our lives are truly ours
  • filter any frequencies, entities, abilities, thoughts and feelings that may be harmful or detrimental
  • protect us from unwanted beings, reinforcing our spiritual boundaries and armor
  • release fear and use our natural abilities to sense the other side from a place of security, peace and calm
  • let go of loved ones so that both you and they can fully experience your rightful existence
  • accept any beneficial gifts and knowledge that are available to us through this divine ability
  • come into a deeper understanding and appreciation of the richness of the other side
  • be prepared to face our own crossing from a place of comfort and understanding

As with life, death is comprised of all aspects of the human experience. This Halloween, release trepidation and sense the true magnificence and wonder of death and the other side from a place of purity, protection and balance.

$30 | $20 (Early Bird through 10/9)

Visit the Group Healing Page for Registration Details

Included with the OCT 21 Day SUBLIME Package