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Group Healing - Halloween Nightmare | Online


Mas Sajady Group Healing Program

Nightmares, Halloween 2017
A Talk and a Medihealing on Nightmares (45min) 

October 31 | 8:30pm PT / 10:30pm CT/ 11:30pm ET

Nightmares can be horrifying and frightening. At times the chills can linger with you for hours, deep down to the bone, even after you wake.  

  • Why do we have nightmares?  
  • Do nightmares carry significant messages?  
  • Are nightmares a desperate cry for help from your higher self?  
  • Are nightmares signs of emotional distress - that if unattended, may undermine both our physical and mental health? 
  • Is it true that recurring nightmares develop when we ignore an issue in our lives for too long?  
  • Are nightmares here to help us solve dilemmas and find solutions to problems? 
  • Are nightmares a space where entities can roam and haunt us?  
  • Is there a way to heal nightmares? 

Please join Mas Sajady for a talk and Medihealing® on nightmares this Halloween eve. Mas will share with you the information and story from the Exponential Intelligence's perspective, while bringing in Pure Source frequency to refresh and cleanse your dream environment.