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FREE - Wesak Moon Silent Meditation | LIVE at 2:15pm PT/ 4:15pm CT

Wesak Moon Silent Meditation | Mas Sajady Programs (FREE)

8-Minute Wesak Silent Meditation with Mas Sajady

Event Start Time: 2:15pm PT/ 4:15pm CT/ 5:15pm ET

  • Mas will be online at the start of the event at 2:15pm PT to talk about the significance of the moon. 

  • The Silent Meditation will start promptly at 2:38pm PT for 8 minutes



A Unique Time of Powerful Meditation & Enlightenment

Every spring, the first full moon in May brings us the most important day on the Buddhist calendar: Buddha Day. Also known as Waisak Day or Vesak Day, the holiday marks the birth of Gautama Buddha -- the father of Buddhism, who is responsible for the religion's core teachings.

The annual Wesak Full Moon this year is on May 10th in 2017 at 2:42pm exact PDT.  The theme this year is compassion & kindness. 

According to ancient tradition, the Buddha was born, attained enlightenment, and left this Earthly incarnation under the Full Moon of Taurus. The Buddha returns at this time each year to bring new light to the world. Spiritual leaders gather in Wesak Valley, a mythic place high in the Himalayas. Here initiates led by the Christ arrange themselves into a great pentagram (the Venusian emblem of world soul) while the Buddha hovers over those gathered radiating light. This cosmic alignment occurs during the eight minutes centered on the moment of the Wesak full moon.  This is a very special night to pray for peace and healing to the planet as well as receive the blessings of the Buddha, the Christ and the Goddess by allowing yourself to be bathed in this healing light.

At 2:38pm PDT on May 10, 2017 (as the exact time of the full moon approaches),  Mas will enter a silent meditation with the intention of connecting with the Wesak energies. You are invited to join him, follow your breath and become the “silent watcher” as you remain in your heart. Experience what occurs and continue in meditation until 2:46pm PDT (after the exact time of the Wesak moon has passed). This session is free of charge. Please register for access