Martyr Complex
May 31st | 9am PT / 11am CT
Why does it seem that you are often the one who suffers in order for others to thrive or to help support a desired outcome? Do you find that you offer your help only to be walked all over or personally distressed by those you helped? You could be exhibiting the frequencies of a martyr – a person who sacrifices something of great value for the sake of principle (Merriam Webster dictionary).
Stop the cycle of anguish and torment that martyrs unnecessarily bear by joining this group healing. Whether you are the martyr or someone you care for feels they are the victim who consistently exaggerates their suffering in order to get praise and sympathy, Mas will help the group to come into their own strength so that you can:
- No longer feel that you must take on the pain and woe for others' well-being
- Stop subconsciously seeking out self-sacrificing as a way to feel good
- Trust others’ intentions and put an end to your suspiciousness that permeates your perspective
- Gain the courage to look within and address your own insecurities
- Welcome in self-worth and self-value that would negate your need to create drama
- Identify with your complete, abundant self, worthy of a calm, loving, giving life that is free from suffering and sacrifice
You were not brought into this world to wallow in misery or bear the burden of torment and pain. Rid yourself of this frequency and allow your spirit to calmly settle into a life full of self-love, effortless bounty and spiritual growth.
$30 | $20 (Early Bird through 5/29)
Visit the Group Healing Page for Registration Details
Included with the May 21 Day SUBLIME Package