Frequencies of a Nurturing Father
June 28 | 9am PT / 11am CT
Nurturing fathers can provide an invaluable sense of security in the lives of their children. Their love can strengthen them, encourage them and inspire greatness.
Join Mas for this special group healing where he will help fathers instill effective, nurturing frequencies and will help fill the void for those of us who lacked a loving, affectionate father-figure in our life.
The frequencies of this group healing will help fathers to:
- open up their hearts to access the tender relationships with their children
- understand the tremendous honor of fatherhood
- integrate frequencies of attentive care and healthy devotion
- recognize the unique, special spirits in each of their children
- effortlessly communicate their authentic care and love for their children
- gain the wisdom that will allow them to guide and support their children while giving them space to be themselves
This group healing will also help to heal any of us who grew up with a harsh, difficult or absent father so we can gain the inner strength and security that comes from the unconditional love of a nurturer.
Share this group healing with a father-figure in your life or simply bring in someone by thinking of them before listening to this special Medihealing®.
$30 | $20 (Early Bird through 6/19)
Visit the Group Healing Page for Registration Details
Included with the JUNE 21 Day SUBLIME Package