Careers - Finding Your True Calling (The Medihealing)
September 20th | 9am PT / 11am CT / 12pm ET
If you engage with a group of children and ask them what they want to be when they grow up, their eyes grow large and their enthusiasm radiates as they list out dreams and desires: “I want to be a world traveler; an olympic athlete; a zookeeper; a ninja; an inventor; a healer!”. Somewhere along the way, no matter how hard we try to hold on to our childhood dreams, we are taught the practicalities of life.
Whether you had a career dream at an early age or you never knew what you truly wanted to be, it’s not too late to uncover your calling. With spiritual clearing you can enter into a career that is comprehensively fulfilling. In this Group Healing, Mas will work with your spirit to bring in frequencies that will allow you to:
- Uncover your passions and interests that may be buried under lifetimes of restrictions and limitations
- Remove the notion that work has to be hard in order to be productive
- Release the need to satisfy others with your success or career path
- Feel confident in going in a new direction or choosing a less conventional one
- Disentangle your identity from your work; maintain a clear understanding of who you truly are both in and outside of your job
- Be open to clear direction from your spirit so you know when it’s time to move on from your existing career
- No longer feel dependent and enslaved by your work in order to have financial security
- Reignite the fire of our career passions and interests
- Bring in employment that feels effortless and enjoyable
- Regain that sense of liberation and freedom to do what makes us feel bold and limitless
Our career doesn’t have to be a burden or a lost dream. Finding your calling in this lifetime is not an impossibility. Join Mas in this Group Healing to clear your distortions, family rule sets and insecurities so you can realize true abundance in career-happiness, financial security, and sheer drive to become whoever it is you want to be!
$30 | $20 (Early Bird through 9/18)
Visit the Group Healing Page for Registration Details
Included with the SEP 21 Day SUBLIME Package
Also included with the September's 21 Day Sublime: EI MAStery Lecture on Careers - Finding Your True Calling