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Frequency Clinic - Osteoporosis | Online

Frequency Clinic

The Frequency Clinic is designed to target serious and chronic physical and mental ailments for you and your loved ones.


Monday, Jan 15 | 8:30pm PT/ 10:30pm CT/ 11:30pm ET

Osteoporosis is a bone condition characterized by loss of bone tissue and low bone mass. This condition may lead to weakened and fragile bones that break or fracture easily. Join Mas in this Frequency Clinic where he will bring in vibrations of strong and healthy bones so that you continue to enjoy an active and comfortable lifestyle with a solid physical foundation.

Mas Sajady is not a doctor and makes no medical claims. By registering for this product you agree to our disclaimer. View Full Medical Disclaimer

$30 | Visit the Frequency Clinic Page for Registration Details


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Lymphatic System
Monday, Jan 15 | 8pm PT/ 10pm CT/ 11pm ET

The lymphatic system is an essential component of the immune system that helps to guard against infection, bacteria and cancer cells, aids in fat and fat-soluble nutrient absorption and maintains fluid balance. Join Mas as he provides spiritual fortification to this critical system for a robust immune response and vibrant health so that we may live life to its fullest.

Mas Sajady is not a doctor and makes no medical claims. By registering for this product you agree to our disclaimer. View Full Medical Disclaimer

$30 | Visit the Frequency Clinic Page for Registration Details