Abuse Recovery Series
• Fundamental Sessions ( Instant Download)
• Intensive Sessions ( Live & Online )
Fundamental Sessions
Downloadable for instant access.
In order to adequately prepare for the magnitude and intensity of the life-changing, deeper work of the Intensive Sessions, significant preparation can be done to strengthen one’s mental fortitude and emotional maturity. The Fundamental Sessions are a set of progressive and supportive calls and resources that will prepare and strengthen you to break through with maximum result.
Fundamental session access included with
Abuse Recovery Series registration.
( Or available for free download here. )
Intensive Sessions
Early-Bird rate through February 24th.
The Abuse Recovery Intensive is a seven-week, six-part intensive program. The intensive will help you to pinpoint underlying frequencies of abuse.
The abuse you have experienced in your lifetime is not your fault, but these experiences may have burdened you with a lifetime of pain, distrust, and insecurities. At your core, you may be running patterns that keep you stuck in an endless cycle of abuse that permeates all aspects of your life in spite of your best efforts.
Traditional counseling or help for abuse victims typically addresses the historical events and resulting psychological, physical and emotional effects of the abuse. While this can be beneficial, it is limited and often only provides relief at the surface-level, while leaving the deepest, core-level abuse programming intact.
To heal and eradicate abuse patterns so that you may change how you experience the rest of your life, you must transform at your core-level. With the Intensive Sessions, Mas has created a multi-level program to help you systematically pinpoint and alter the underlying frequencies of abuse.
End the cycle of abuse; change your programming so that you no longer participate in abusive relationships. Heal from the inflicted damage and engage in mutually healthy, loving, respectful interactions with others that honor the truth of our existence.
The Exponential Intelligence transformational process is highly effective and very intense. You may find it severely challenging as old patterns shift. Working with Mas requires absolute ownership and personal accountability. If you are mentally unstable, weak, tend to blame others, and/or are unwilling/unable to take personal responsibility please do NOT proceed with registering or participating in any part of the Frequency Series.
This is your journey. You are and have always been in complete control.