Comfort with the Unknown
July 11 | 8:30am PT / 10:30am CT/ 11:30am ET
“If you do what you’ve always done, you will get what you’ve always gotten.”
Stepping out of our comfort zones often leads to feelings of vulnerability, insecurity and fear. Not knowing what is to come leaves us exposed and all too often we cling to what is familiar in an erroneous attempt to feel safe and secure. This perception, however, is an illusion and it is this exact fear that keeps us bound and restricted, mired in ruts and routine and blocking us from life’s boundless experiences and opportunities.
With transformation comes change where the unfamiliar does not have to be uncomfortable. As we release our grasp allowing space-time to shift, we unleash what is available to us in each moment.
In this essential group healing, Mas will guide our spirits to:
- Release the misconception that familiarity and control equate to security and safety
- Emancipate ourselves from the binding limitations of past experiences
- Gain an understanding of our place in our environment and nature of existence
- Recognize the benefits, prospects and growth opportunities within our environment
- Enthusiastically welcome opportunities that await in spaces of uncertainty
- Reinforce inner faith and connection as we release the binds of old frequencies and patterns
- Trust that we will be guided to experiences greater than we could orchestrate
Through this group healing, find comfort where there was fear and recognize and embrace the space of infinite possibilities that awaits us. As we awaken to accept the unknown, the truth of our existence strengthens and takes hold. Stand firmly in the power of the present, choosing not to run, and allow the abundant gifts of this existence to unfold, laying down a path that surpasses imagination.
$30 - Visit the Group Healing Page for Registration Details
Available à la carte or with the JULY 21 Day - ESSENTIAL or SUBLIME