Apr 11 | 8:30am PT / 10:30am CT/ 11:30am ET
Complainers…we all know one…perhaps we are one. Going beyond healthy venting, complainers hone in on the negative threads of life’s tapestry, draining themselves and those around them. Clouded by the lenses of victimhood and pessimism, excessive complaining is unproductive, unhealthy and debilitating. At spirit level, complaining is often accompanied by feelings of emptiness or uselessness, feeling as if life is slipping by, or lack of self-esteem. If you or someone you know could benefit from a greater focus on life’s many blessings, join Mas in this brightening group healing which will help to restore balance to you and those around you in order to:
- End the pull to constantly complain
- Erase the desire to complain as a way to feel connected to others
- Release the need to latch on to nitpicky details
- Break the habit of actively seeking flaws for the pleasure of complaining
- Communicate needs in a healthy, productive manner
- Delete underlying frequencies of victimhood
- Solicit others’ support without excessive negativity
- See the opportunities within all perceived misfortune
- Retain optimism and positivity by feeling capable of meeting life’s challenges
In all hardship lies the chance for growth, evolution, clarity and strengthening. Begin to see life as the adventure that it is, overflowing with opportunities of limitless abundance.
$30 ($20 Early Bird) - Visit the Group Healing Page for Registration Details
Included with the APRIL 21 Day SUBLIME Package