Enabling Others
July 18 | 7pm PT / 9pm CT/ 10pm ET
Sometimes from our deep desire to care for, protect, and support our loved ones we inadvertently enable their imbalanced behavior or unhealthy patterns. Join Mas in this important Group Healing where he will help you objectively study the frequencies running within you, the decisions you make and whether they are coming from a space of healthy assistance or if they are rooted in a need to control. Mas will work with your higher consciousness so you can:
- Clearly see the decisions and actions you make that may perpetuate or empower dysfunctional behaviors of others
- Gain awareness of the patterns running in you that bring about your need to control and unnecessarily help
- Have the honesty to recognize and accept where your desire to help has become imbalanced
- Strengthen your self-love and respect so you prioritize your well-being and set healthy boundaries
- Integrate the truth that everything you need is within you and not dependent on caring for others
- Recognize the ways in which enabling behaviors hinder rather than help those involved
- Learn to help others from a complete and strong sense of self rather than a victim
- Separate the crux of your self-esteem from the dependence on others’ needs and distortions
- Rid oneself of the false belief that suffering for others is necessary to be a good person
- Stop protecting and making excuses in order to allow for truth, responsibility and accountability
- Have the courage to step away, knowing that the forthcoming consequences will be an important step for you and your loved ones
- Understand the true EI definition of helping others and doing so is necessary for humanity's growth
We may believe our intentions are truly for the best; however for the growth and healing of ourselves and our loved ones we must recognize and accept when we have overstepped a healthy level of kindness and support and instead have become enabling. With a complete and comprehensive sense of self-worth and internal strength, we can see the importance of self-reliance and accountability and bravely remove ourselves from entangled, limiting relationships and roles. This freedom will give you the space to fully respect yourself and others so you can live a fulfilling and inspiring life.
$30 - Visit the Group Healing Page for Registration Details
Available à la carte or with the JULY 21 Day - ESSENTIAL or SUBLIME