Mas Sajady Live Events Program
The Fourfold Path - An Introspective Journey
Online Video Livestream & In-Person
Just Added - MP3 Replay option
Sedona, AZ | April 6th & 7th
General Tickets: Saturday & Sunday, 9am-1pm
VIP Tickets: Saturday & Sunday, 9am-1pm & *7:30-9:30pm PT
VIP includes Hands-On, Front Rows + *Private Evening Event .
Sedona Creative Life Center
333 Schnebly Hill Rd, Sedona, AZ 86336
The Fourfold Path - An Introspective Journey
Join Mas in Sedona for a special two-day event focused on The Fourfold Path:
1. Exponential Intelligence ( what you have )
2. Introspective Progression ( what you do )
3. Significant Success ( what you achieve )
4. Archetype Super Human ( what you are )
Mas has come a long way since he began the practice in 2011. So have you and those around you who have ever dreamed of fulfilling your true potential in life. Over the past two years, giant waves of transformation have come rolling into our lives, crashing down on where we are most tender and smashing what we want most hidden, precisely in the fashion that Mas had predicted. No one, including Mas, was exempt from experiencing the dramas, chaos and struggles of life as the waves washed away the layers of personal debris, leaving everyone bare. It has not been smooth sailing but these giant waves have left us fresh, clean and ready to live in truth.
It is from this place that we will gather for an introspective examination to see how to best proceed for achieving true and significant success. In this powerful workshop, Mas will help you fine tune your internal success GPS by 1) entering the exact location of where you are in life right now 2) entering your desired destination in life. His upgraded abilities combined with the concentrated energy of Sedona and its vortices will pave the way for restorative grounding and optimized transformation as we elevate to achieve 360 degrees of abundance in all aspects of life.
VIP Evening Events | In-Person Only
7:30-9:30pm - April 6th & 7th | The exclusive evening events are limited to 20 participants and include hands-on work, one-on-one discussion with Mas within the group setting, as well as powerful group Medihealings.
The Exponential Intelligence transformational process is highly effective and very intense. You may find it severely challenging as old patterns shift. Working with Mas requires absolute ownership and personal accountability. If you are mentally unstable, weak, tend to blame others, and/or are unwilling/unable to take personal responsibility please do NOT proceed with any part of the Frequency Series.
*Includes Saturday & Sunday workshops, along with free video replay.
In-Person, $300 | Click to Register ( Limited Spots )
In-Person ( Saturday Only ), $150 | Click to Register ( Limited Spots )
In-Person ( Sunday Only ), $150 | Click to Register ( Limited Spots )
VIP In-Person, $900 | Sold Out
*VIP includes Saturday & Sunday workshops, hands-on/front rows + 2 private evening events, discount to video or audio replays.
MP3 Replay ( Audio ), $200 | Click to Register
*Recordings will be emailed after the event.
*In-person and Livestream participants will receive 70% off either the Video or Audio replay. Promo codes are included with your registration.
**Receive a discount at the Arabella Hotel when you call and mention code “LOS20” when booking.
All Sedona Area Events:
April 5 | Why is Your Life the Way it is and How to Change It
Talk + Medihealing® ( In-Person )
April 6 & 7 | The Fourfold Path
Workshop + Medihealings® + VIP Evening ( In-Person, Online Video Livestream )
April 6 & 7 | ( SOLD-OUT ) Industrial Strength Group Healings® (IGHs)
In-person appointments with Mas