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Frequency Clinic - Hernia | Online

Frequency Clinic

The Frequency Clinic is designed to target serious and chronic physical and mental ailments for you and your loved ones.

Monday, Mar 11 | 8pm PT/ 10pm CT/ 11pm ET

A hernia is caused by pressure that allows an organ or fatty tissue to protrude through a point of weakness in surrounding muscle or fascia. Factors such as poor nutrition, smoking, surgical incisions or obesity can contribute to muscle weakness and hernias can be triggered by lifting, coughing, constipation or even sneezing. In this medihealing, Mas will edit the core level frequencies that allow for hernias in order to help effortlessly guide us towards the food, nutrition or exercise to fortify muscular strength, preventing their occurrence. He will also help activate and accelerate our internal healing process to mend any previous internal damage.

Mas Sajady is not a doctor and makes no medical claims. By registering for this product you agree to our disclaimer. View Full Medical Disclaimer

Mas Sajady’s Exponential Intelligence transformational process is highly effective and very intense. You may find it severely challenging as old patterns shift. Working with Mas requires absolute ownership and personal accountability. If you are mentally unstable, weak, tend to blame others, and/or are unwilling/unable to take personal responsibility please do NOT proceed.

$30 | Visit the Frequency Clinic Page for Registration Details


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Monday, Mar 11 | 8:30pm PT/ 10:30pm CT/ 11:30pm ET

Fibromyalgia is a systemic musculoskeletal pain that is often misunderstood and misdiagnosed. Symptoms include chronic pain, fatigue, headaches, and cognitive difficulties. In this Medihealing, Mas will work to bring in frequencies to pinpoint the irritation in the tissues, muscles, ligaments and bones to help bring about some relief. Surrounded by ascended frequencies your higher consciousness may help to rebalance neurotransmitters and quiet any overactive pain response in the brain. You also may naturally attract the proper foods and nutrition that could ease pain and inflammation as well as bring in other potential solutions to help you manage your condition. 

Mas Sajady is not a doctor and makes no medical claims. By registering for this product you agree to our disclaimer. View Full Medical Disclaimer

$30 | Visit the Frequency Clinic Page for Registration Details