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POP-UP: Joy Medihealing® | Online


Joy Medihealing®

Wednesday, April 8 | 8:45pm PT / 10:45pm CT / 11:45pm ET

“The healthiest response to life is joy.” ~ Mark Twain 

The search for joy is universal and elusive. We plan our lives hoping they unfold as anticipated and attach joy to positive approach that is doomed to fail, keeping joy fleeting and unattainable through changing and uncertain times. We compare our lives to the outward façade of others, feeling deflated if they don’t seem to measure up. The attempt to recreate joyful experiences is also prone to failure…leaving it just out of grasp or a faded replica of a past, vibrant memory. Many feel blocked, incapable of experiencing the feeling they so long for.

But as you look back and recall true moments of joy, they are full sensory experiences in which we are completely engaged with the present moment. They often come in unexpected and unanticipated ways and can be attached to life’s tiniest details. They fill our mind and body with warm, weightless bliss as we delight in the contented perfection of life. 

Joy does not have to be a rarity, ear-marked for special occasions. The secret to lasting joy lies within us all and can be a part of our constant state of being. Join Mas Sajady in this enlivening Medihealing® as he works at the sub-quantum level to help you release your root-level blocks so that you may:   

  • Let go of distortions at the deepest level that keep you from being fully engaged in life 

  • Release the need to search outside of yourself for gratification, enjoyment and happiness 

  • Find pleasure, fulfillment and completeness in everyday activities 

  • Recognize and experience the vibrant, vitality of life and the world around you

$39 - Click to Register (Live Call + MP3 Download)

Mas Sajady’s Exponential Intelligence transformational process is highly effective and very intense. You may find it severely challenging as old patterns shift. Working with Mas requires absolute ownership and personal accountability. If you are mentally unstable, weak, tend to blame others, and/or are unwilling/unable to take personal responsibility please do NOT proceed.