Mas on Sunday
Sundays | 8:30 am PT / 10:30 am CT / 11:30 am ET Convert Time
Topic of the Week: “The Secret to Effortless Discipline”
Mas on Sunday is a free livestream on Youtube.
Learn the secret that high performance athletes and C-Suite executives are using to have an unfair advantage using effortless discipline.
You’ve probably never heard of the Xponential Intelligence advantage for extreme self-mastery. Like many great inventions, ideas and stocks tips, the masses hear about life changing opportunities long after intelligent movers and shakers have already adopted the method or profited massive gains.
When did you hear about bitcoin, google, apple? An investment of a few thousand dollars in the beginning would have made you a millionaire. When did you get your first cell phone? Are you an early adopter or one of those who lag behind wishing life will throw them a bone?
FACT: Life gives you opportunities each and every day.
FACT: If you're not disciplined to become aware of them, they’ll pass you by each and every time.
In this Special Anniversary edition of Mas on Sunday (MOS), join Mas Sajady as he shares and helps you implement these 3 traits of hyper-successful individuals:
1. The discipline myth taught by most experts that is a nail in the coffin to your success, and what they should be teaching you to make discipline for success effortless.
2. What hyper-achievers do 20 minutes a day for 18 days to break out of their box of limitations faster than any other method.
3. Experience a rewiring of your success genome for disciplined success in a radically advanced form of meditation that people claim is so potent they equate it to success gene therapy.
Mas Sajady breaks the code to life's most perplexing questions and provides simple yet profound answers to help massively change the course of humanity including your own. These are not feel good answers or recycled solutions from the past, but timeless knowledge sourced from a realm of higher consciousness accessed after his 2nd near death experience.
On the last Sunday of every month following the deep dive meditation, Mas will give 2 free in-depth, personal scans, delving deeper into individual blocks and allowing others to experience the benefits of this extraordinary work.
Participants will be pre-selected monthly and contacted the week prior with connection details. Subscribe to the newsletter to be eligible.
As always, all audience participants will benefit from the frequency work of any topics and issues addressed simply by listening.
Join Mas on Sunday and experience:
Part 1: The Deep Science & Deep-Dive Meditation
10:30 am - 11:00 am CT
Mas will discuss the deep science on a weekly topic with new solutions in his unique teaching style. Then, Mas helps you rewire your success blueprint by taking you into a deep dive meditation. Studies have shown that Mas' meditations appear to affect changes such as altering genetic structures (DNA) and slowing the aging process.*
Part 2: Life Frequency Analysis
11:00 am - 11:30 am CT
Be one of the lucky ones that gets a life analysis worth $300, free on Mas on Sunday. Mas drills down to the real reasons behind your problems, then helps rewire you for positive, tangible outcomes.
This Week’s Topic: “The Secret to Effortless Discipline”
Connection Details: You may join the weekly Mas on Sunday only by social media live stream. Live session only, replay available on our YouTube channel.
YouTube /massajady
* Frequency Analysis: Mas will be doing frequency scans in which he can read your frequency signature and tell you what he sees. This is completely voluntary on your part. As a reminder, if you ask to be scanned today, you are automatically agreeing that we may use your session in written, audio, and video form on any public media for commercial purposes to help inspire others. So, remember - If you don't want us to use and share your information, please do not ask to be scanned.
* There are no specific generally expected results. You may not achieve any specific results. Mas Sajady helps you reprogram your core frequencies to help you transform your life. Mas is not a doctor; he does not have the power to heal, nor does he provide medical, psychological, or any other type of professional advice or treat any disease or medical condition.