Mas on Sunday
Sundays | 8:30 am PT / 10:30 am CT / 11:30 am ET Convert Time
Topic of the Week: “XI Father: Becoming the Ultimate Father | The Deep Science”
XI Father: The deep science of becoming the ultimate father
In this heart to heart Episode of Mas on Sunday (Mos), Mas Sajady shares his experience about fatherhood including:
What fatherhood has turned into
His personal journey of becoming an XI father
What steps you can take now to become the ultimate father for your kids while benefiting humanity.
Then experience a hyper-meditation that can help you instill the 3 rules within your genome for rapid success.
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Mas on Sunday Details: 10:30am – 11:00am CT
The deep physics of how life really works: 11:00am – 11:30am CT
Hyper-advanced meditation and life frequency analysis
Experience changes whether you are a participant or audience member. Watch as Mas helps transform lives in minutes using his unprecedented abilities.
On YouTube: Mas Sajady:
Who is Mas Sajady:
Mas Sajady is an expert in consciousness evolution. His unprecedented abilities and knowledge gained from two near death experiences have changed the lives of hundreds of thousands throughout the world in record time.
CEO & Founder of Xponential Intelligence (XI)
Discovered after his two near deaths, XI is an advanced protocol that uses the physics of spacetime for Real Time Transformation of one’s life.
Real Time Transformation Protocol (RTTP) breaks through the limitations of psychology, self-improvement and even gene therapy. The process has been proven to be the fastest, most efficient method to transform one’s life.
Participants who have transformed all aspects of their lives, including aging younger are saying, “The results of Xponential Intelligence are so profoundly deep, it’s like frequency gene editing.”
Visit to learn how Xponential Intelligence can help you reach your full potential.
* Frequency Analysis: Mas will be doing frequency scans in which he can read your frequency signature and tell you what he sees. This is completely voluntary on your part. As a reminder, if you ask to be scanned today, you are automatically agreeing that we may use your session in written, audio, and video form on any public media for commercial purposes to help inspire others. So, remember - If you don't want us to use and share your information, please do not ask to be scanned.
* There are no specific generally expected results. You may not achieve any specific results. Mas Sajady helps you reprogram your core frequencies to help you transform your life. Mas is not a doctor; he does not have the power to heal, nor does he provide medical, psychological, or any other type of professional advice or treat any disease or medical condition.