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Mas on Sunday

Sundays | 8:30 am PT / 10:30 am CT / 11:30 am ET Convert Time

Topic of the Week: “Genetics: How to Reset Your DNA”

XI research has found that you don't have to age like your parents.  For those wondering if we are destined to be like our parents, find out all the crazy things never imagined that you have inherited and what you can do to get rid of them. 

Genetics is weirder than you think.  

In this episode of Mas on Sunday (MoS),  Mas Sajady dives deep into helping you make sense of it all. Discover: 

  1. What is actually encoded in your DNA from your ancestors that the experts don't even know about 

  2. Three things you can do to see what you have inherited and how it affects your life 

  3. How to change your DNA for a fresh start for you and your children 

To help awaken your genome, experience a hyper-meditation that some claim is so powerful that it has changed their DNA.

On the last Sunday of every month following the deep dive meditation, Mas will give 2 free in-depth, personal scans, delving deeper into individual blocks and allowing others to experience the benefits of this extraordinary work.

Participants will be pre-selected monthly and contacted the week prior with connection details. Subscribe to the newsletter to be eligible.

As always, all audience participants will benefit from the frequency work of any topics and issues addressed simply by listening.

Join Mas on Sunday and experience:

Part 1: The Deep Science & Deep-Dive Meditation
10:30 am - 11:00 am CT

Mas will discuss the deep science on a weekly topic with new solutions in his unique teaching style. Then, Mas helps you rewire your success blueprint by taking you into a deep dive meditation. Studies have shown that Mas' meditations appear to affect changes such as altering genetic structures (DNA) and slowing the aging process.*

Part 2: Life Frequency Analysis
11:00 am - 11:30 am CT

Be one of the lucky ones that gets a life analysis worth $300, free on Mas on Sunday. Mas drills down to the real reasons behind your problems, then helps rewire you for positive, tangible outcomes.

This Week’s Topic: “Genetics: How to Reset Your DNA”

Connection Details: You may join the weekly Mas on Sunday only by social media live stream. Live session only, replay available on our YouTube channel.

YouTube /massajady

* Frequency Analysis: Mas will be doing frequency scans in which he can read your frequency signature and tell you what he sees. This is completely voluntary on your part. As a reminder, if you ask to be scanned today, you are automatically agreeing that we may use your session in written, audio, and video form on any public media for commercial purposes to help inspire others. So, remember - If you don't want us to use and share your information, please do not ask to be scanned.

* There are no specific generally expected results. You may not achieve any specific results. Mas Sajady helps you reprogram your core frequencies to help you awaken your innate self-healing mechanism to transform your life. Mas is not a doctor; he does not claim to heal you in any way, nor does he provide medical, psychological, or any other type of professional advice or treat any disease or medical condition. On rare occasion, select participants may have been granted a free meditation or session in exchange for use of their testimonial.