Global Meditation
March 5th, 2022 - 9:00am PT / 11:00am CT / 12:00pm ET Convert Time
A World Meditation to Awaken the Human Spirit in the Time of Global Devastations
We’ve been caught off guard by an avalanche of intensely challenging circumstances. We may not understand why things happen; we may be frozen in fear, we may let stress, worry and anxiety overtake us; we may want to scream and fight to change the circumstances… But like Einstein said - “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”
A greater purpose is at play - The peace of God transcends all understanding, which will guard our hearts and our minds in higher consciousness.
This frequency infused talk and meditation is about coming together in freedom, unity, and truth.
A note from Mas on Freedom, Unity and Standing for the Truth
Both sides want the truth, both sides think they have the truth. But there is only one singular to truth to everything that is.
The problem is that there are so many versions of truth at this lower level of consciousness, people have issues with their truth. That's not what truth is. If it was, you'd have more harmony. Why isn't there more harmony? Whenever you're fighting for the truth, you'll get the same results as the past - more wars, more destruction, more control, more rulesets.
This isn't about fighting for the truth. This is about standing for the truth. You need to understand all truth that is out there, all points of view that are out there, and then center yourself according to your perception of what it is.
If we were enlightened, everybody would come to one singular truth. Are you running the optimal truth of who you are? What is what's holding you back? Why are you limiting yourself?
Why are you being limited by others? What we need is to stand for our own internal truth at a higher level of understanding of who we are, and then nobody can control us, and then everybody at a higher level perpetuates the strength that you are. We all want the truth.
In this universal meditation, I encourage both sides to join as we all want that singular truth. This is about evolving humanity, evolving our consciousness.
So we can go to a higher level and understand that singular truth that we are and both sides can merge together to form a peaceful solution without lack, control or sacrifice.
Tell your friends about it. Tell your enemies about it. So we can all come together as humans, because that's what this meditation is about - coming together as humans in freedom, unity, and truth.
“Only by correcting or removing all the misinformation you were living from can you see who you really are and reclaim your limitless self.”
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