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Mas on Sunday | Halloween Special: The Truth Behind Entities, Curses, and Hauntings | Online


Mas on Sunday

Topic of the Week:
“Halloween Special: The Truth Behind Entities, Curses, and Hauntings”

Xponential Intelligence (XI) Frequency Work: Mas works in the realm of consciousness, frequencies and spacetime. He has the ability to “tap in” to anyone, anywhere and address the root cause of any issue within seconds, helping people transform in ways never before experienced without the need of willpower or force…and achieve meaningful success without sacrifice.

Frequency Work vs. Traditional Modalities for Self-Improvement

Frequency Work (Frequency meditation, therapy, mentoring, etc) isn't about fixing your problems, it's about creating a new version of you at a higher level of consciousness that doesn’t have those problems.

Traditional Modalities (traditional meditation, therapy, coaching, motivation, counseling, psychotherapy, etc) focus on fixing your problems from the same level of consciousness that created them.

Through Xponential Intelligence (XI) Frequency Work you will awaken to higher layers of consciousness where your true potential is accessed.


🎃Get ready for a captivating  Halloween special on "Mas on Sunday - Life Xplained" like you've never experienced before! 🎃

Join Mas Sajady as he explores the intriguing realms of entities, curses, possessions, exorcisms, hauntings, and black magic, but with a perspective that transcends ordinary understanding—Xponential Intelligence (XI). In this episode, we'll unravel the mysteries surrounding these paranormal phenomena, shedding light on what horror movies like "The Exorcist" and "The Conjuring" got right and what they missed regarding the supernatural.

Discover how XI unveils the hidden truths behind these stories revealing a higher level of reality that defies conventional belief. But that's not all—brace yourself for a powerful Frequency Meditation guided by Mas to help you confront and clear any lingering energies or attachments that may haunt your life.

👻 And that's just the beginning! 👻

This episode serves as a preparation for two upcoming Halloween events:

🎙️ Shadows & Specters: The Science of Entities, Invisible Forces, and Dimensional Intersections Lecture

🔗 Register here:

🧙‍♀️ Shadows & Specters: An Entity-Clearing Frequency Meditation

🔗 Join here:

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Replay: Subscribe to our YouTube channel

* Frequency Scan: Mas will be doing frequency scans in which he can read your frequency signature and tell you what he sees. This is completely voluntary on your part. As a reminder, if you ask to be scanned today, you are automatically agreeing that we may use your session in written, audio, and video form on any public media for commercial purposes to help inspire others. So, remember - If you don't want us to use and share your information, please do not ask to be scanned.

* There are no specific generally expected results. You may not achieve any specific results. Mas Sajady helps you reprogram your core frequencies to help you awaken your innate self-healing mechanism to transform your life. Mas is not a doctor; he does not claim to heal you in any way, nor does he provide medical, psychological, or any other type of professional advice or treat any disease or medical condition. On rare occasion, select participants may have been granted a free meditation or session in exchange for use of their testimonial.