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Harness the Power of NDEs | Session 4: Success | Online

Harness the Power of NDEs - Physical Integration and Life Upgrade

IANDS Featuring Mas Sajady

Session 4: Success - September 23rd 2023, 12pm CT / 1pm EST

A near-death experience or NDE is often a powerful life-changing event. NDEs are generally perceived as being blissful experiences with beneficial effects, though for some, NDEs can be distressing and lead to psychosocial, spiritual and physiological problems.

Mas Sajady, a pioneer in the field of human consciousness, has had multiple profound NDEs which changed the course of his life. During these NDEs, Mas reached a level that many do not return back from. As a result he gained access to high-level universal wisdom and extraordinary abilities, allowing him to help hundreds of thousands of people to transform on every level and create lasting change in their lives.

In this experiential workshop series, Mas will assist you to harness the power of NDEs, regardless of whether you have had an NDE or not. These workshops will help you to integrate this power into every area of your physical existence, allowing for a potent life upgrade.

For those who have had an NDE, you will have the opportunity to fully heal from and integrate this experience, and use it to propel you forward into your best possible life.

There are five workshops in the series, each focused on upgrading a particular area of your life.

Session 1: Consciousness - July 1st 2023, 12pm CT / 1pm EST

Session 2: Health - July 29th, 12pm CT / 1pm EST

Session 3: Relationships - Aug 26th, 12pm CT / 1pm EST

Session 4: Success - Sept 23rd, 12pm CT / 1pm EST

Session 5: Special Gifts & Talents - Oct 28th, 12pm CT / 1pm EST 

Join us for part 4 of the series: 

Session 4: Success - September 23rd 2023, 12pm CT / 1pm EST

Many of us strive for physical wealth or success, thinking that it will bring us security and fulfillment, though most people who do attain worldly success still aren’t happy. Your level of success is determined by how close you are to present moment time or how you render yourself in space and time. True abundance in all areas of life is a natural consequence of connecting with your Source or Limitless Self - It is your birthright.

In this workshop, Mas will help you to remove filters that are blocking your success and teach you how to render yourself correctly in this dimension, which will allow you to effortlessly generate abundance in your life. 


  • This workshop series is hosted by IANDs (International Association for Near-Death Studies)

  • You must register for each workshop individually (see details below).

    However, in order to gain the full benefit of the workshop series, it is recommended that you attend all sessions in the series in the order in which they are broadcast.