HMA Program Details

Module 1: One-on-One Clearing & Calibration

Module 1 is the transitional and foundational work that takes place on the evening before the 'big day'. Mas will work with you one on one to clear any beliefs, values, programming, etc., that no longer serve you in healing and in life, all the while calibrating your frequency to be in the optimum condition to receive all the benefits the program has to offer. 

Plenty of water and rest are recommended after this evening session to be ready for the intense work on the following day.

Module 2: Personalized Activation & Download

Mas will scan your spiritual DNA to identify your unique yet dormant gifts and hidden talents. He will work on your frequency blueprint to remove any block/contract/curse to activate the power of your healing abilities. For example, if you were blocked from being naturally clairvoyant, Mas will remove the block and activate your pineal gland so your intuitive gift could flourish.

After opening all intuitive channels, Mas will facilitate a download of the true healing knowledge to you that is of your specific resonance. For example, if you are of the lineage of Eastern medicine, you will be downloaded with the pure essence and knowledge of Eastern medicine. The integration of this download will open your healing practice to be guided by a confident inner knowing – because it will no longer be something you do once you have become the embodiment of the knowledge.

Module 3: Hands-On Upgrade & Supercharge

By the time of Module 3, the energetic voltage of the room will not only be highly charged, but also significantly amplified by the power of the group. It's the perfect time for Mas to generate and instill in you pure and elevated Source frequencies that will catapult you to the realm where higher consciousness and abilities reside. 

As your core connection with Pure Source is aligned and strengthened, a renewed Source energy will flow into every fiber of your new reality to supercharge all areas of your life, such as the enfoldment of your healing abilities and the financial success of your healing practices...all to aid and assist the eventual realization of your highest calling.    

Denver, CO | Program Schedule

Saturday April 16 | Module 1

Event Location |The Brown Palace
321 17th Street, Denver CO 80202

Module 1: One on One Clearing & Calibration | 6pm – 9pm

Sunday April 17 | Module 2 & 3

Event Location | Red Rocks Amphitheatre
18300 W Alameda Pkwy, Morrison CO 80465
(720) 865-2494

Module 2: Personalized Activation & Download | 9am - 12pm

Module 3: Hands-On Upgrade & Supercharge |1pm – 4pm

A healthy buffet lunch will be served at 12pm on Sunday
Natural spring water infused with Pure Source frequency will be provided throughout the day

*We look forward to seeing you!*

HealingMAStery Full Program | Click Here

Questions/Support |

Note: Mas is not a doctor, please consult your health professional for any medical information and issues. Mas doesn't heal you. He helps you awaken your own abilities to live 360 degrees of abundance. You must agree to our disclaimer to participate in this program.