MIAMI Exclusive Offers

Exclusive Offer 1

10-Day Frequency Reset

Register | $ 80

Exclusive Offer 2

10-Day Frequency Reset

13 Ways To Heal Love Pain and Start Fresh

Register | $ 300

Exclusive Offer 3

10-Day Frequency Reset

13 Ways To Heal Love Pain and Start Fresh

Private Frequency Session

Register | $ 1,800

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Exclusive Offers Descriptions

10-Day Frequency Reset

Unlock Your Full Potential & Illuminate Your Possibilities

Are you tired of setting the same old resolutions year after year? 

Do you feel limited by the known, while the unknown beckons with limitless possibilities? 

Are you ready to break free from limiting beliefs and embrace your limitless potential?

You're not alone. Many of us are stuck in a cycle of limitation, never fully tapping into our potential.

A new year isn't just a fresh page on the calendar; it's a chance to renew from within and Frequency Reset is designed to illuminate paths you never knew existed.

Discover Limitless Possibilities in Just 10 Days

With Frequency Reset, Masati invites you to break free from the ordinary. Imagine a new you—a version of yourself that goes beyond your wildest dreams. This 10-day Frequency HyperMeditation program is designed to elevate and illuminate your path to self-discovery.

Traditional Meditations vs HyperMeditations

Traditional meditations offer temporary relief from life's stress, but they often don't address the root causes of your limitations. HyperMeditations work at a core frequency level, releasing destructive patterns and opening the door to new possibilities. You'll transform from the inside out, and your external circumstances will naturally follow suit.

Frequency Reset Framework:

  • Reset Phase One (Five Days): 30 minute Live Daily Frequency Meditation:
    Immerse in frequencies setting the groundwork for transformation.

  • Two-Day Break: Reflect and rejuvenate.

  • Reset Phase Two (Five Days): 30 minute Live Daily Frequency Meditation: Re-engage, diving deeper, amplifying your connection to your limitless potential.

Are you ready to break free from limitations and embrace the unknown? Join us for Frequency Reset and unlock a world of possibilities you never knew existed.

In this 13 day program - you will be immersed in transformative frequencies to help release unwanted patterns and elevate your relationships simply by listening as Masati delves into common themes such as:

Toxic relationships – emotionally and/or physically unhealthy, lack of acknowledgement or empathy, constantly being drawn to the wrong person

Fading passion – loss of attraction, boredom, physical disconnect

Expectations – expecting yourself or others to be a certain way, looking to others to fulfill or complete you

Criticism Overload – both giving or receiving excessive criticism

Neediness – losing yourself in others, codependence

Control – love with attachments/strings, rules, threats, guilt, keeping score

Infidelity – commitment issues, cheating, lack of trust

Feeling Trapped – fear, lack of options, staying for children

Insecurities – jealousy, feeling unworthy, undeserving, not enough, vulnerability, authenticity

Lack of Respect – undervaluing, underappreciating, contempt, not being seen, heard, understood

Financial Woes – financial incompatibility, pressure, stress, financial irresponsibility, dishonesty

Communication – honesty, transparency, lack of communication, hiding feelings, fighting

Turning into Your Parents – the tendency to repeat parents’ habits despite our best efforts