"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration." ~ Nikola Tesla

Mas Works with Frequencies

'Future Medicine will be the Medicine of Frequencies' - Albert Einstein  

The future is now – Masati developed Xponential Intelligence (XI) that helps you access the future medicine of frequencies which can give you the power to -

1) heal the deepest core issues at the highest frequency level

2) activate your full human potential…be limitless


XI Frequency Work: Mas works in the realm of consciousness, frequencies and spacetime. He has the ability to “tap in” to anyone, anywhere and address the root cause of any issue within seconds, helping people transform in ways never before experienced without the need of willpower or force…and achieve meaningful success without sacrifice.

Frequency Work vs. Traditional Modalities for Self-Improvement

Frequency Work (Frequency meditation, therapy, mentoring, etc) isn't about fixing your problems, it's about creating a new version of you at a higher level of consciousness that doesn’t have those problems.

Traditional Modalities (traditional meditation, therapy, coaching, motivation, counseling, psychotherapy, etc) focus on fixing your problems from the same level of consciousness that created them.

XI Frequency Technology, Transforming the Limited to Limitless

According to traditional self-help belief/teachings:

  • change your story, change your life 

  • change your thoughts, change your life

  • change your attitude, change your life

  • change your belief, change your life

  • change your energy, change your life

According to XI/Masati – Change your frequency, change your life.

When you change your frequency, it trickles down to every layer beneath so energy, beliefs, attitude, thoughts, and story - all would automatically and instantaneously shift. Changing your frequency is the most effective, efficient, natural and powerful way to change your life, addressing the deepest core issues at the highest frequency level.

How Mas’ frequency work affects you: In 2022, the Emoto Institute conducted a water crystal study with Masati. Mas worked remotely for 15 minutes on the control water samples located in Japan from his home town Minneapolis, MN USA. (The human body is comprised of up to 60% water…the human brain, kidneys, heart and lungs are approximately 80% and even bones are 25% water, according to Medical News Today).

Left: Water crystal before Masati’s frequency work (control sample)
Right: Water crystal after 15 minutes of Masati’s remote frequency work

Left: Water crystal before Masati’s frequency work (control sample)
Right: Water crystal after 15 minutes of Masati’s remote frequency work

If a 15-minute frequency work could make such a significant difference at the molecular level, imagine what an immersive process could do for you and your loved ones.

The potential for frequency work of this magnitude to restore and restructure the mind and body are extraordinary.

Xponential Intelligence Immersion Programs

Leadership through Self-Actualization

Xponential Intelligence for the 1% is a self-actualization program, transforming your life through transcendent wisdom and the power of Xponential Intelligence (XI). XI transcends the confines of conventional psychology and self-improvement methods, utilizing foundational frequencies called inception waves and advanced neurobiology to unlock your superpower. This path is designed to take you to the next level of influence, power, potential, leading you towards "spherical abundance" — in health, wealth, relationships, and spiritual connection.

XI process provides you with the code to unlock higher consciousness, harness your powerful frequencies — the invincible forces that shape your destiny and your empire.

XI for the 1%: Details & Application

Alchemy of Connection

Welcome to an alchemical process that'd profoundly transform your relationships using the groundbreaking principles of Xponential Intelligence (XI). This process breaks the old relationship paradigm of 'Lack, Sacrifice and Control', expanding consciousness through elevating your frequency to achieve self-actualization and timeless connections. At its core, it infuses XI wisdom and principles into the complexity of the heart and the dynamics of human connections, allowing you to explore deeper layers of your psyche, senses, sensuality, triggers, fears and strengths in your relationships while helping reveal and refine your purest essence, power and beauty.

XI for Relationships: Details & Application