Due to increased anxiety around the Coronavirus, we have prepared a compilation of products that can help you remain strong and healthy throughout this global process. The included Medihealings® may help you remove frequencies of fear and worry, to help protect against viruses both physical and emotional.

Listen to the new XI Podcast 181: Coronavirus - Awakening Part 1 where Mas gives a deeper picture on this global issue.

To register for the upcoming XI Seminar & Medihealing: Human Dis-Ease and the Purity Wave - click here.

Also, join in-person or online to this profound talk in Minneapolis - The Wisdom of Chaos: Finding Peace in Episodes of Turmoil and Chaos - click here for more information.

Notice What You Notice.


Mas Sajady is not a doctor and makes no medical claims. By registering for our products you agree to our disclaimer. 
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Cold & Flu Immune Defense

Join Mas in this Frequency Clinic where he will instill frequencies of a strong immune system to protect you from the proliferation of viruses and germs, as well as frequencies of health to overcome illness and maintain a state of vigor and strength.

$30 | Click to Register


Immune System Boost

Changing weather, hectic schedules, fatigue and stress can all contribute to maladies, colds and flus. In this invigorating frequency clinic, join Mas as he uses his abilities to adjust your spiritual blueprint in order to help boost your immune system to defend against illness and naturally guide you to beneficial foods, nutrients and remedies. As you resonate at higher frequencies, you can effortlessly release susceptibility to lower level difficulties and gain faster recovery that will help you to flourish and thrive as your most vibrant self.

$30 | Click to Register



While microorganisms surround us, infections occur when these organisms are able to invade an area of the body and multiply. Infections caused by a virus, bacteria, fungus or other agents can range from unpleasant to life threatening. Join Mas in this frequency clinic as he eradicates spiritual frequencies that allow for infections to take hold and generates those of immunity strength and fortitude which may help to increase both susceptibility and resistance to all types of infection.

$30 | Click to Register

Overwhelm - Finding Calm in the Storm

The state of overwhelm is all-consuming. Have you been there before? Are you there now? Do you feel that everything is coming at you at once, needing your attention, needing action, demanding that you to take it all on?

Take a deep breath and join Mas for this group healing where he will bathe you in calming energies as he extracts the frequency of overwhelm from your spirit. Needed resources will come to you and you will once again feel the comfort of peace and competence that are always accessible within you.

$30 | Click for Replay



Anxiety’s hold can range from intrusive thoughts of what may lie ahead, to exhausting hyper-vigilance of surroundings and interactions, to crippling and paralyzing fear that blocks opportunities and life experiences. But ultimately all forms of anxiety are simply a result of our misalignment in spacetime…increasing in strength as we become further off center. If you or a loved one have ever felt the grip of anxiety, join Mas in this stabilizing Medihealing as he works to re-center at the frequency level, in order to help you to: 

  • Release embedded fear and attachments

  • Operate with internal strength and stability regardless of outward circumstances

  • Live from a state of calmness, peace and composure

  • Meet each experience with assuredness and confidence, embracing opportunity

$30 | Click to Register

Optimism & Joy

Do you find that sometimes your life feels lackluster? Like things are so difficult or exhausting? Do you hope for a reprieve, an opening in the clouds to let a little light through?

In this Personal Development, Mas will work to help open your life up to the joy and optimism that is your birthright. This healing will connect you to a space of light and tantalizing happiness, helping you to feel hopeful, bright and optimistic as you trust your spirit-guided path.    

Join Mas in this perfectly-timed, comforting medihealing bringing you to see things in a new light… a light of childlike joy and optimism!

$30 | Click for Replay


Empathy Part 1: Having Empathy

Empathy is the ability to understand the emotions, thoughts and feelings others may experience and the capacity to put yourself in the position of another. Empathy is an important human competency that promotes compassion and thoughtfulness. Empathy can help us resonate in a space of oneness and connection. Join Mas in Part I of this two-part Medihealing® to first focus on having empathy and then, in Part II, staying centered in the presence of others.

In Part 1, Mas will work at a frequency level so you may: 

  • Hone the ability to recognize and discern others' emotions and perspectives from your own

  • See the circumstances and relationships through other’s lenses to help you understand their choices and reactions 

  • Cultivate pure empathy that will empower effective communication and meaningful collaboration

$30Instant MP3 Download


Empathy Part 2: Staying Centered

Empathy helps us to connect and understand others; however, some individuals are highly sensitive and are considered to be empaths. These individuals can take on the emotion, energies, thoughts and feelings of others to the point of absorbing the other person's distortions and possibly experiencing tremendous pain and suffering from the world around them.

Join Mas in Part 2 of this Medihealing®, where he will work at a frequency level to help you find a healthy balance of empathy so you may:

  • Create a clear understanding of your emotional and energetic boundaries

  • Surrender into a space of powerful neutrality and grounding so you are inherently safe

  • Continue to exude compassion and love for others but without detriment to your being

$30Instant MP3 Download

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Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence is defined as the "capability of individuals to recognize their own and other people’s emotions, discern between different feelings and label them appropriately” (wikipedia). Emotional intelligence is imperative for successful relationships and allows us to manage the daily exchange of interpersonal communication.

Join Mas in this powerful group healing where he will work on frequencies at a spirit level so you can:

  • Learn to understand and identify your emotions and those of others

  • Build awareness of your feelings especially in moments of discomfort or confrontation

  • Direct your emotions to adapt to different circumstances

  • Enhance your ability to empathize and remain flexible in order to guide your behavior

  • Develop confidence in navigating complex social situations

  • Make decisions that consistently honor your true self and your needs

  • Strengthen your sense of self-worth to allow you to analyze your emotional reactions and responses

  • Gain the skill to communicate your feelings and thoughts in a calm and centered fashion

  • Use emotional intelligence to effectively guide thinking and behavior that will lead to positive results

$30 | Instant MP3 Download