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Mas Sajady Live | Mind, Body, Spirit Festival - Melbourne, Australia

Mas Sajady Live Events Program


Melbourne, Australia | June 2018

JUNE 8-11  - Mind Body Spirit (MBS) Festival in Melbourne (Booth G36)
JUNE 8-11  - (MBS) In-Person IGH Appointments
JUNE 9  - (MBS) Become A Miracle Magnet
JUNE 11  - (MBS) Radically Creating 360° of Abundance


Mind Body Spirit Festival in Melbourne
June 8-11 | Daily 10am-7pm

Booth G36 | Join Mas daily at Booth G36, at 12:30pm, for live 21 Day Medihealing®.


Become A Miracle Magnet
Saturday, June 9th 5:30 pm

Join Mas Sajady in the highly charged workshop to learn:

• Three distortions that must be cleared in order to manifest miracles in your life.
• Two simple morning steps to set your mind and spirit in a state that is open to receiving miracles.
• One sign that signifies that you are on the right track.

Mas will lead the group in a Medihealing® (Meditation + Healing) where you will be guided into a deep meditative state at which point he will work with your spirit to edit the programming of your spiritual source code and infuse you with conscious understanding of what it really means to become a miracle magnet.


Radically Creating 360° of Abundance
Monday, June 11th 4:00 pm

Join Mas Sajady in this highly charged workshop to immerse yourself in the elevated frequencies that he embodies following his two near death experiences. Dive deep into your own frequency core and learn how to move away from your time-bound consciousness and to stop living from deep and debilitating patterns. Start operating from Exponential Intelligence where radical self-healing is activated through timeless consciousness to instantly reach all areas of your life for rapid, tangible and seemingly miraculous transformations.
Mas will lead the group in a Medihealing® (Meditation + Healing) where you will be guided into a deep meditative state at which point he will work with your spirit to edit the programming of your spiritual source code and infuse you with conscious understanding of living with 360° of Abundance.

Mind Body Spirit Festival | Click for More Info

In-Person Appointments at MBS
Industrial-Strength Group Healings® (IGH)

(*Scroll down to register and reserve your spot.)

Industrial-Strength Group Healings (IGH) - Individual frequency scans with Mas to remove your blocks and activate abundance. IGHs are small group healings that harness the power of the group energy and intent, while providing an opportunity to speak to Mas one on one during the session. Mas is able to duplicate himself energetically to work on each person in the group for the entire session. The healing and transformative energies are more powerful in groups as they are super-charged by the Mastermind effect.

Mas Sajady has always been intuitively gifted. Like many others, he tried to hide or ignore his highly intuitive nature so he could "fit in". It is for this reason Mas has always strongly advised parents to support children who have similar affinities. It literally took Mas two near death experiences to awaken and embrace his abilities.

Following two near-death experiences, Mas was gifted with the ability to see, access, and "correct" core causes of any person's life challenges. Without having to speak to or even see you at all, Mas is able to identify the real reasons why your life is the way it is and is able to help you heal yourself and transform all areas of your life - physical, financial, spiritual, relationships, and more.

Mas has been likened to many internationally known teachers but to date, no one has quite been able to describe him and the unbelievable transformations he facilitates for individuals at his in-person or online events.

Although the results are tangible and seemingly unbelievable, Mas doesn't heal you. He helps you awaken your own abilities to heal yourself and transform your own life.

There are no 'chance meetings'. If something is stirring within you then join Mas, feel the frequency and discover the truth about Yourself.

How do I book an IGH? 

  1. In Advance: For those who have a long distance to travel or who wish to have the certainty of pre-booking, a limited number of IGHs are available for booking online (fee AUS $150 per person). Should you wish to pre-book, please see below.
  2. At the Booth: IGHs will be available at the booth on a first come first served basis, so please arrive early if you would like to secure an appointment. Fee AUS $150 per person; and payment is accepted via cash or credit card. A 5% processing fee will be added to credit card payments.
  3. If all sessions are sold-out online, please come to our booth early on the day you wish to have a session as we reserve a certain number of sessions for walk-up clients and those new to Mas. 

IGH Registration

Please note: All IGH sessions pre-booked AND at the booth are a show special price of $150 AUD.


Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre, South Wharf
Booth G36
Click for Full Details and Travel Information

Dates & Times

10:30AM - $150 AUD | Click to Register
11:30AM - $150 AUD | Click to Register
2:00PM - $150 AUD | Click to Register

10:30AM - $150 AUD | Click to Register
11:30AM - $150 AUD | Click to Register
2:00PM - $150 AUD | Click to Register

10:30AM - $150 AUD | Click to Register
11:30AM - $150 AUD | Click to Register
2:00PM - $150 AUD | Click to Register

10:30AM - $150 AUD | Click to Register
11:30AM - $150 AUD | Click to Register
2:00PM - $150 AUD | Click to Register