Mas Sajady Live Events Program
Melbourne, Australia | June 7, 2018
Meet Mas Sajady
Change your Frequency, Change your Life
FREE & IN-PERSON | 6:30-8:30PM
Meet Mas Sajady, a former computer programmer who after two near-death experiences came into potent abilities that work at the core frequency level to bring forth seemingly miraculous shifts. Discover how Mas can empower you to change your life like the tens of thousands before you with Exponential Intelligence - the secret from where Mas activates the timeless consciousness that awakens your own supernatural abilities to heal and transform your life.
There is no 'chance meeting'. If something is stirring within you then join Mas, feel the frequency and discover the truth about Yourself.
This event includes a presentation and guided Medihealing®; a meditation and healing in one to supercharge your life and accelerate your journey to total well-being.
Event Location:
Abbotsford Convent
1 St Heliers Street, Abbotsford VIC 3067
Community Room & Linen Room