Jun 6 | 7pm PT / 9pm CT/ 10pm ET
Gaslighting is a term used to describe a form of mental and psychological abuse that makes the victim question their perception of reality. Those who suffer from gaslighting are conditioned into believing that their perception of reality, feelings and reactions are extreme and not valid. Gaslighting can happen subtly over a long period of time but the effects are significant. Join Mas in this group healing where he will work with you to tap into a higher consciousness that will help you clearly identify what is real and what is not… as well as:
- Help you distinguish gaslighting tactics such as lying, shaming or criticism from true, sincere expression
- Reinforce self-confidence and your view of reality
- Remove self-doubt and persistent second-guessing
- Dissolve filters and lenses placed upon you by family, loved ones, culture or lineage
- Unravel the images of your memory and see your past for what it really was
- Fortify boundaries to stay strong in the face of others’ perspective
- Resist manipulative tactics used to sway or control
- Strengthen your ability to stand strong against the abuser and remove yourself from toxic situations
- Find value and worth in the uniqueness of your perspective and all that you have to offer through the expression of your true self
As you reinforce your connection to your higher self and Pure Source, you will stand strong in your truth, clearly receiving the reality of your existence. Without burdensome doubt or lack of trust, you will be able to fully experience the beauty of relationships and interaction so you blossom into the brilliant individual you were meant to be.
$30 ($20 Early Bird) - Visit the Group Healing Page for Registration Details
Included with the JUNE 21 Day SUBLIME Package