Mas Sajady XI Podcast 194: George Floyd & The Science Behind the Chaos - Part 3


As I walked through areas of my hometown in Minneapolis that spurred a greater number of protests worldwide, I was reminded by the destruction of what it felt like before versus now. Given the newness of the consciousness that had recently shifted I actually felt enlivened by the space, in spite of its war zone appearance, like the fresh till of soil in the spring.

I report from the field, in this episode of George Floyd & The Science Behind the Chaos - Part 3, what I noticed amongst the people and the changes that have occurred. What’s most ironic of the situation is the greed and control I saw from the so-called “plandemic” or “scamdemic” and its lack of control, resulting in a backfire of sorts. So I remain hopeful and optimistic, in part because of my abilities, of what’s to come.

Still I provide signs to look for—in mind and behavior and as individuals and as groups—to prevent the same choices we’ve made that brought us to this pivotal moment, or you will otherwise disappear or perish. It is vital then that we stand strong and true to ourselves as unique individuals. Only then could we stand in solidarity for each other towards that abundance to realize how genuinely all lives matter.