Mas Sajady XI Podcast 205: Selling Your Soul - What is it Worth?


Following up on Satan - The Deep Science series, I provide here a real-world examination of what to look for with words of caution in today's emerging events. Gleaning off of a Vogue Magazine article covering the artist Grimes, I take a look at the contract terms of her online art exhibition, "Selling Out."

While I invite Grimes or anyone from her team to reach out to me and help release her from an agreement more fatal than her exhibit's contract, I can also illuminate the flaws in their terms that could help you understand--with or without the fortune and the fame--how you may have sold your soul (rather spirit) as well.

When we look to a higher power--calling it God, the universe, your savior or even a deceased lover--there is a frequency that is always listening to jump at the chance to consume your spirit. Most of us still perceive our spirits as separate and distinct from ourselves, yet that is one of the biggest openings where something like the distorted version of Satan comes in and grants you your very wish for a pricey exchange. This exchange heftily pales Grimes' $10-million offer by comparison. And for what you get--whether it was $10 million, the revitalization of your loved one, the feeling of brevity to the ethereal experience of seeing bright white light--you likely have just sold out too.

If you're not feeling and living in a state of abundance, this is where you must ask yourself: "How am I creating my reality?"

In this episode, I elucidate Grimes' contract to help you understand what is reality and if, or what connection, there is between your physical and spiritual realities. Again, as a word of caution, there are lots of celebrities and others in the public eye that sensationalize success.

Unlike Elvis, "the King", to Prince, the Purple Reign, you want to rule your own essence rather than buy into what shouldn't be sold.