Mas Sajady XI Podcast 199: Goodbye & Hello


Hello. Goodbye to the old as this Episode 199 represents the transition from the previous paradigm and the vanguard of the new takes foot. Entitled Goodbye & Hello, this episode carries multiple meanings that I share from individual personal experiences to shared universal ones, paving the way for Episode 200 where taking the foot off the gas pedal is not an option. Reflecting on my work with XI over the last 10 years, I explain what these metaphors mean and distinguish how I used to help people with my abilities versus how I am choosing to help people today.

It should go without saying, the house of cards you see in all systems—from individual health to international governance—crumbling before you, is a reflection they never worked and obviously not self-sustained. How we went about trying to sustain them involved fixing, patching or band-aiding things together so healing always perpetuated the need for something to be broken. A vicious cycle was the old consciousness or old operating system built on being busted, and affected even how I used to help you change your frequency.

Still, I am extremely grateful for all of you who have shared your trust and work on this journey with me to help realize who I am from a grander standard or higher baseline to propel human potential. Where we no longer need to be fixed, fixed is a given and explorations into what can be accomplished in our day-to-day physical reality is this new consciousness.

In this episode, I share with you intimate details of my journey into awakening, and invite you to share this pivot point with me where XI begins.