This episode is a special Medihealing, which is meditation and healing combined, designed to help you find the relaxed, peaceful state of mind needed to be totally present and create the abundant life that you deserve.
We all strive to be calm, but can have difficulty achieving it because of the stress and distractions we face in our daily lives. It is important to realize that stress doesn’t just effect productivity in your life, it has physical health consequences; 60-80% of primary care doctor visits are related to stress, according to a recent national study published in the Journal of American Medicine. This podcast gives you a potent mindfulness tool to dispel stress and instill calm no matter what you are facing.
Mindfulness is an effective tool to create peace of mind. Harvard research has proven that practicing meditation improves how you feel and can even increase the gray matter in your brain in areas that control emotion regulation. Medihealing is a powerful form of mindfulness.
In this Medihealing I guide you into a deep awareness of your physical form so you can be utterly present within your body and your space. Once you reach this state, you will be able embrace the true calm within you and perform at a high level in any situation.
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"Exhale and let it go."
Show Notes:
Why you won't find true calm outside of yourself
Creating an anchor of calmn within yourself
How to be deeply aware of your surroundings
Coming into presence through your body
"Calmness is an anchor within you."
How to focus on the present moment
Learning how to be more grounded in your own self
Making being calm a sustainable practice
"Be in a state of calm no matter what situation you are in."
This Week's Medihealing:
In this Medihealing, we begin by coming into our bodies and into the present moment. From this state of calm we can notice our surroundings and see ourselves from a different perspective, and gain calmness from those we see in our lives who exhibit the traits of calmness in their own lives.
"Be more grounded in your own self which allows you to be more sustainable in being calm."
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