Season 2, The XI Approach To Organ Transplants

Mas Sajady XI Podcast

Each podcast is infused with powerful frequencies, helping you transform simply by listening.

“One thing that the medical community doesn't observe is why a person needs an organ transplant in the first place. There's something missing there, there's a key component.”

Through two near-death experiences, Mas Sajady has journeyed to the outer limits and come back alive to share timeless knowledge and superhuman abilities to help you live your ultimate human experience.

In this Episode:

  • Why do organ recipients reject transplants & how can you increase your odds of accepting the new organ?

  • Can be donated organs influence your personality & DNA?

  • Does your frequency need to match the frequency of your donor

You can replace an organ, but what is the underlying reason why that organ needs replacing? Why do organs fail, is it genetics, or environmental? What if it’s a frequency? As an organ recipient, can you change your frequency to accept the donated organ – drug-free – or not need the transplant at all?

Einstein predicted that “Future medicine will be the medicine of frequencies”. Learn how Mas & XI are working to make that prediction true. If you or a loved one has had or needs an organ transplant, we want to hear from you. Join the mission.

“You’re running a frequency that dictates that you have a transplant. There's a program that dictates that this is going to happen to you, you need to remove that program.”

Season 2, Toxins & Self Worth: How They’re Connected

Mas Sajady XI Podcast

Each podcast is infused with powerful frequencies, helping you transform simply by listening.

“The physical toxins that you have are literally parallel to the frequency toxins that you have, the underlying issues.”

Through two near-death experiences, Mas Sajady has journeyed to the outer limits and come back alive to share timeless knowledge and superhuman abilities to help you live your ultimate human experience.

In this Episode:

  • What is the underlying cause of being attracted to unhealthy foods & toxins? 

  • How can you release toxins and optimize your mind & body? 

  • Learn how you can bypass will power to naturally avoid foods that are toxic  

Is there a connection between our physical health and our ability to reach our limitless self? What can you do now to improve your health, release toxins, and connect to your higher self? It’s not about your mindset or psychology.    

Most people work at the surface level with their body; being overweight, bad skin tone, and so on. They work on the end result of the problem, and the same issues happen over and over.   

With XI, you fix the root cause, the underlying pattern creating the issue. 

“Once you get rid of toxins, you start psychologically cleaning yourself up. Your innate psychology starts to change, you start to observe the patterns that you're running, you start to see your level of confidence, self-assurance, and self-worth have elevated.”

Season 2, How We Can All Help Stop the Cycle of Abuse Against Men

Mas Sajady XI Podcast

Each podcast is infused with powerful frequencies, helping you transform simply by listening.

“As consciousness awakens, issues that need to be resolved start bubbling up. It's happened in the past. It has happened in societies and cultures over and over again, but this time, the difference is that society is going to the next level of evolution and these issues have to be handled.” 

Through two near-death experiences, Mas Sajady has journeyed to the outer limits and come back alive to share timeless knowledge and superhuman abilities to help you live your ultimate human experience.

In this Episode:

  • Mas predicted Hollywood would fall apart, is the Depp vs Heard trial proof?  

  • Why are these issues coming to the surface now? 

  • Why we so rarely hear about abuse towards men and what you can do to break the cycle

  • What happens to societies that don’t solve problems like abuse, hate or prejudice? Will we take this opportunity to awaken and resolve the problem? 

If we choose to hold on to these problems, the most natural next step is that society will collapse. It's happened before where societies just die out.

As our consciousness awakens, learn what we can do this time to change that cycle for humanity. 

“We need real solutions, real answers that resolve the problem, not just put a bandaid on it. Then we can move into a higher level of consciousness, where we can see ourselves as humans and we have that respect, not by culture, not by race, not by color, not by religion, but just humans having those types of experiences, and it's beautiful.”

Season 2, How To Love Your Body & Feel Great About Yourself From The Inside Out

Mas Sajady XI Podcast

Each podcast is infused with powerful frequencies, helping you transform simply by listening.

“People who do XI, they have a solid understanding of who they are, they have this really brilliant image of ‘this is me, I am, a top-notch individual, I have this identity, that I know deserves a really great body’.”

Through two near-death experiences, Mas Sajady has journeyed to the outer limits and come back alive to share timeless knowledge and superhuman abilities to help you live your ultimate human experience.

In this Episode:

  • Why do women struggle, suffer, & sacrifice for weight loss and beauty?

  • Why would Kim Kardashian go to extreme measures by losing 16 pounds to wear a dress?

  • How simply changing your perspective on beauty creates better results and self-love

What is the XI perspective on extreme weight loss & ‘looking perfect’? How does enhancing your inner beauty affect your outer beauty?

By changing your perspective on your body image, you will realize you are deserving of being the best possible self, you don't have to struggle, your exercise regime and eating habits become a part of your life, and you actually start to enjoy it… you own it and you deserve it.

“If you have to sacrifice to look good, you're never going to look good long term. Straight out, you’re never going to look good long-term. Your beauty starts to fade, you start to see the weaknesses, the distortions, and all the things that you've sacrificed that you shouldn't have for your beauty–and it becomes a burden.”

Season 2, My Two Near-Death Experiences Changed My Life Forever

Mas Sajady XI Podcast

Each podcast is infused with powerful frequencies, helping you transform simply by listening.

“I didn't know that I had passed on to another reality, another realm, another consciousness. When I was in that space, it was just an amazing experience. And then it dawned on me, I felt really great, I felt all powerful – you feel the power, the grander version of what we all dream about, I was living it at the moment, life felt so unbelievably beautiful.”

Through two near-death experiences, Mas Sajady has journeyed to the outer limits and come back alive to share timeless knowledge and superhuman abilities to help you live your ultimate human experience.

In this Episode:

  • Where does your spirit go during a near-death experience? 

  • Are near-death experiences random or part of a larger plan? 

  • What led Mas to have two near-death experiences?  

What is the phenomenon behind the near-death experience? Why do they occur? Are the  abilities that people get real?  

Your physical body stays here, but what happens to your higher self during a near-death experience? In this episode Mas describes what he experienced during his two experiences and how his abilities came through – the beginning of XI. 

The jungle was deathly quiet. The river was really fast and then all of a sudden, there was a rock sticking out…

“…I don't know how long it took me because there's no time and space, you're just in a state of presence. Life after that, obviously, was never the same. This is where my abilities came through.”

Season 2, How to Tune in to Your Power Frequency and Unleash Your Limitless Self

Mas Sajady XI Podcast

Each podcast is infused with powerful frequencies, helping you transform simply by listening.

“The power frequency is about looking inwards. This is where you can access the power frequency that allows you to transform your inner self, not the outer version of who you are.” 

Through two near-death experiences, Mas Sajady has journeyed to the outer limits and come back alive to share timeless knowledge and superhuman abilities to help you live your ultimate human experience.

In this Episode:

  • How can you be abundant in all areas of your life­ – naturally? 

  • What is the Power Frequency and how can you harness it?  

  • How can you tell if you’re connected to your Limitless Self? 

Look at your life… if you're successful and not happy, you're doing it wrong. If you're happy and not successful, then you're doing it wrong. If you're spiritual and feel a void, you're doing it wrong… 

The reason why you aren't happy, although you’re successful, is because you have separated your timebound (physical) self from your timeless (higher) self.  

With the Power Frequency, you can learn to blend your timeless & timebound self, allowing you to become naturally abundant, happy, ageless and successful. Naturally Limitless. 

Season 2, Understanding the Energetic Frequencies of Adult Bullying

Mas Sajady XI Podcast

Each podcast is infused with powerful frequencies, helping you transform simply by listening.

“Adult bullying is nothing new, it's just coming up to the surface because as we raise consciousness and come up to a higher version of society, this bullying aspect has to come up to the surface so we can do something about it. It's bubbling up just like prejudice did back in the day.”

Through two near-death experiences, Mas Sajady has journeyed to the outer limits and come back alive to share timeless knowledge and superhuman abilities to help you live your ultimate human experience.

In this Episode:

  • What do bully and victim patterns have in common?

  • How can society break the cycle of victims becoming future aggressors?

  • How to step out of the victim mentality, heal your wounds, and move forward with life

Why is adult bullying becoming more of an issue? Bullying is much easier with today's social media; how can we break that pattern as a society? Learn the simple way you can remove power from the bully and gain self-respect.

Society is expanding into a higher version of itself and as it transforms, we need to release the old version of ourselves, release our weaknesses and remove the patterns of bullying, abuse, and aggression.

“To stop the bullying pattern you have to speak, not from a weak standpoint, not from a fighting back standpoint, but from a clear stronger version of who you are. Don't take a victim mentality, or an underdog mentality, those things don't work anymore.”

Season 2, How to Connect to your own Greatness (Driving to Success Consciousness)

Mas Sajady XI Podcast

Each podcast is infused with powerful frequencies, helping you transform simply by listening.

“When you're at those high speeds, you allow your higher version to escape - just like traumatic experiences - it allows you to go into higher states of consciousness where you can access your higher abilities.”

Through two near-death experiences, Mas Sajady has journeyed to the outer limits and come back alive to share timeless knowledge and superhuman abilities to help you live your ultimate human experience.

In this Episode:

  • People who are successful the right way are so vibrant; learn how you can have the same vibrancy

  • Which famous people have done success badly and can you tell who has done success properly?

  • Is it possible to have the effects of a near-death experience – without the trauma?

Bill Gates, Elon Musk, Oprah, did they create success the right way? Or did they lose themselves to create their successes? Can you be successful and not lose yourself or control others in the process? Yes, you can!

That's what the Driving to Success Consciousness event is about. We help you drive into a higher state of consciousness and then, through classroom training, we embed the concepts of success habits and turn it into a reality – where you're successful on the inside and on the outside. So, if you're really interested in that inner expansion of who you are and want to become successful the proper way, come to the driving event.

Season 2, A New Perspective On Spacetime: How I See it Differently

Mas Sajady XI Podcast

Each podcast is infused with powerful frequencies, helping you transform simply by listening.

The closer you are to your limitless self, the more vibrant, the more successful, the more abundant you'll be in all aspects of your life. The further you are from your limitless self, the more you will have to use other resources to become successful, to become happy, to become vibrant.

Through two near-death experiences, Mas Sajady has journeyed to the outer limits and come back alive to share timeless knowledge and superhuman abilities to help you live your ultimate human experience.

In this Episode:

  • Why is space-time closely related to abundance? 

  • How you can easily use space-time to rid yourself of unwanted family patterns and addictions 

  • How you can make massive shifts in your life simply by observing

By utilizing a simple tool, you can change where you render yourself in space-time, creating limitless opportunities. Your point of view changes when your reference point changes. For example, close one eye, open it and then close the other; do you see how your reference point changes just by doing that? That's how space-time works.

Once you start to understand how you reference yourself in space-time, or what point of view you're seeing yourself from, then you naturally move to a better version of yourself. It's not about fixing who you are ¬– it’s about changing where you are in reference to space-time.

Season 2, Should You Be Listening to Joe Rogan? (My Thoughts)

Mas Sajady XI Podcast

Each podcast is infused with powerful frequencies, helping you transform simply by listening.

“If you can hold two opposing thoughts of a situation at one time, not get disturbed by it, and observe without judgment – that is a sign of intelligence and wisdom.”

Through two near-death experiences, Mas Sajady has journeyed to the outer limits and come back alive to share timeless knowledge and superhuman abilities to help you live your ultimate human experience.

In this Episode:

• Why are people gravitating towards Joe Rogan, while others are trying to cancel him?

• Why are opposing opinions and non-profitable solutions to problems shut down?

• How XI can teach you to be a critical thinker – learn how to think, not what to think

Joe Rogan is gaining more and more followers each day. Why is he growing so fast and why are other news outlets trying to silence him? Reporters often criticize or shut down opposing opinions...why does controversy bring out the insecurities in people?

More and more people are gravitating towards Joe Rogan because they want to know the underlying truth of what's going on.

In this episode, Mas explains cancel culture & Joe Rogan, the science behind the controversy, and how critical thinking can affect humanity.

“In today's society, if you're controversial, you get shut out. Well, that's the death of creativity. So why are we against controversy? There can be a lot of truth in controversy.”

Season 2, What Drove Will Smith to Slap Chris Rock at the Oscars

Mas Sajady XI Podcast

Each podcast is infused with powerful frequencies, helping you transform simply by listening.

“Keep my wife’s name out of your fucking mouth!" -Will Smith

Through two near-death experiences, Mas Sajady has journeyed to the outer limits and come back alive to share timeless knowledge and superhuman abilities to help you live your ultimate human experience.

 Chris Rock and Will Smith got into an altercation during the 2022 Academy Awards telecast. Rock was presenting the Oscar for documentary feature and made a joke about Jada Pinkett Smith. Smith initially seemed to laugh it off until he realized his wife was insulted. He then took the stage and slapped Rock across the face. Smith returned to his seat and yelled “Keep my wife’s name out of your fucking mouth!"

In this bonus episode of the XI Podcast, Mas Sajady and his fiance Fei weigh in with a frequency scan and energy analysis of Will Smith, whether his actions were chivalrous and reveal who was embodying the true spirit of the XI Man.

Season 2, War Consciousness: Why Putin Invaded Ukraine

Mas Sajady XI Podcast

Each podcast is infused with powerful frequencies, helping you transform simply by listening.

In this BONUS episode of the Xponential Intelligence Podcast with Mas Sajady:

  • What is war consciousness and how can we rise above it?

  • The key to expanding ourselves without prejudice, hatred, control, or domination.

  • The underlying reason behind Putin's invasion of Ukraine.

  • How you can contribute to the dismantling of war mentality.

  • The role that COVID 19 has played in Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

We're always trying to change our outward environment, to change our own stability, whether you're an individual, a group, a religion, or a country, you're always trying to control or create stability within yourself. Go inwards… go inwards, and understand your weaknesses, look at the weaknesses that you've inherited from your parents, a lot of the issues that you have are not even yours, a lot of issues that your country has are not of the current people – there from the past. What we need to do is look at our own weaknesses at an individual level, clarify ourselves, clean ourselves up, get rid of past patterns, to evolve and expand as a race.

Consciousness is always evolving; it's giving us opportunities to evolve and expand to a higher level of consciousness, awareness, and betterment for all humanity. We are more than just that outward identity, we're more than just money, we are more than what we have physically. We can evolve and expand without reference points of prejudice, hatred, control, or domination.