Mas Sajady XI Podcast 153: The Science of Spirituality - Part 1


As I have made it my mission to to help shed the Science of Spirituality, in Part 1 of this episode, I answer new and persistent questions to help elucidate  misconceptions and understandings for the spiritual seeker. Even since the times of Copernicus who went against the church to claim the universe does not revolve around Earth, we’ve been having a feud. And as much as the Bible is claimed to the absolute truth, we need to examine this idea to hold true with no exceptions that permeate beyond the holy scriptures and into science.

Imagine having a spiritual epiphany in daily life from your religious practices. Then imagine making a scientific discovery that catapults the way we see and live life. Both experiences are the grandness—the rule that applies everywhere and in all things—that you deserve and I help you step into with Xponential Intelligence.

Tapping into the wisdom of XI, I break down the perceptions of reality that make science and spirituality distinct from each other. Yet we can look to nature to reference its precision in creation and abundance in alignment with time and space as a model for humans to aspire towards perfection and beyond. Finally there is a real reason that sets us apart from nature and I help shed light onto our ingenuity that can help you align and transcend.

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“This reality doesn’t work on haphazard laws. Like nature, its laws are consistent each and every time. There is no exception.”

Show Notes:

  • Why is there poverty and suffering in the world

  • What is the relationship between science and religion

  • Why are so many people depressed

  • What are we all so afraid of

  • When is war justifiable

“Suffering is not a learning phase.”

  • How would God want us to respond to aggression and terrorism

  • What does it mean to live in the present moment

  • What is our greatest distraction

  • Is current religion serving its purpose

“Wisdom is applying intelligence to further yourself into your 99%.”

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