This episode continues our series exploring different religions and spiritual leaders, and is the second focused on demystifying Jesus Christ and sharing his inspiring truth. Jesus is one of my spirit guides and someone I have a profound amount of love for, so it is important to me on many levels for the public to understand who he truly was and how to best honor this man celebrate him as the embodiment of divine truth on Earth.
Mainstream religion has distorted the memory and teachings of Jesus by focusing almost exclusively on the pain, suffering and sacrifice of his torture and death. What good does it do humanity to glorify this horror? How does it honor this man who is actually the embodiment of loving spiritual purity on a scale that is almost impossible to comprehend? I dive deep into these questions in this podcast, and focus on Jesus' true message and how to embody and celebrate that in our own lives every day.
We end with a powerful Medihealing, meditation and healing combined, that brings in the true essence of Jesus so we can purify our faith of the abuse and distortion that have been placed on this amazing man. Once cleared of these frequencies, we can celebrate and honor Jesus in the manner he deserves and invite his love deeply into our lives.
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"Jesus' life wasn't about suffering; it was about splendor, glory, joy and true love"
Show Notes:
Was Jesus born on Christmas
What was Jesus' life like
Did Jesus want his followers to suffer
Do you need to suffer to understand the ways of Jesus
Did Jesus suffer to acquire his abilities
Did Jesus lead a life of suffering
"You do not have to suffer to understand the ways of Jesus."
Where does Jesus' healing prowess come from
How can one understand and feel Jesus' love
Did Jesus say "he is the way" to understand God
What is wrong with representing Jesus on the cross
How should you celebrate Jesus